Meijer LPGA Classic

Friday, June 17, 2022

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Xiyu Lin

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, tell me about some of the highlights of your round today. What was going really well for you?

XIYU LIN: Like yesterday I think I had a good round consider I tee off in the afternoon and it was super windy.

And yesterday I didn't -- I mean, with the wind, I mean, I hit good approach shot; just cannot really get really close to the hole.

So I didn't have lots of opportunities, but in the afternoon shot was birdie, birdie which got me red number. I was pretty happy.

And then today, especially in the morning when the wind like kind of calm down a little bit, and so I had a chance to attack the pin a little bit more.

And I think I did pretty good. Also, the putting, it's been doing really well. Yesterday save lots of like long-ish short putts for par. Today I bomb a couple long putts in for birdie.

Yeah, pretty happy.

Q. What were some of the challenges? I know you mentioned the wind yesterday. It was windy again today. How do you manage those challenges?

XIYU LIN: Yeah, yesterday definitely the most windy I ever play here. Just also crazy because, I mean, there is bunch of trees here, so where I am it was probably like wind swirling and then the top of the tree is a little bit different.

So it's hard to have your ever mind like set to wherever you want to hit to. Then I think today I manage it a little bit better.

And, yeah, and just I think these green is in great condition, so as long as you keep giving yourself opportunities you're gain roll in putts.

Q. You've played in this tournament a couple times. How do you enjoy being out here in this event in general?

XIYU LIN: I really like this course. I think it's a course with lots of opportunities, but also there is some challenges.

Also off the course, like I think the lady I stay with here is one of the maybe only two or not even maybe, it's the only one housing that I've been staying since I was rookie.

So it's great. Always can come back and can chat with her and she follows me, yeah.

Q. That's awesome.


Q. You're happy with the round obviously. How does that help you going into the weekend knowing you set yourself up near the top?

XIYU LIN: Yeah, I mean, I just keep trying to keep giving myself opportunities. Like this year, to me it's all about trying to get a breakthrough on the tour, so I feel like I just need to keep getting close, and then each of the time I learn a little bit from it, and hopefully one of the tournament it will be my week.

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