Meijer LPGA Classic

Friday, June 17, 2022

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Carlota Ciganda

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Carlota Ciganda. Really solid round today, 7-under 65. Had two eagles on the card. I think you were birdie or better on eight holes. What was working so well for you?

CARLOTA CIGANDA: Yeah, I think the key was that I hit a lot of greens both days, yesterday and today. I mean, I think it's pretty tricky with the wind and if you don't hit the greens it's just harder to make those putts for par.

I just tried to keep hitting greens and give myself options. With the par-5s this week, they are reachable, for me at least three of them pretty comfortable.

So I had a couple eagles there, and, yeah, I think I shot 7-under on par-5s today, so that was very big.

Yeah, very happy with the way I played and excited for the weekend.

Q. Walk me through the eagle on 8 and the one you finished up with on 18.

CARLOTA CIGANDA: Yeah, on 8 the wind helping. I hit a good driver and then I hit a small 9-iron to like six, seven feet.

And then on the last hole, driver just in the rough. I had a 146 meters, and I hit a 9 again. The wind was helping. Tried to hit it to the front. It went up maybe to like 20 feet, just short of the pin, and made it.

So very happy with those two eagles.

Q. You've been playing some good golf recently. What's changed in the mentality that's freed you up and let you go low?

CARLOTA CIGANDA: I think I just need to be more calm and just trust myself a little bit more. I think I work pretty hard, so I just need to go out there and have fun, enjoy, and trust all the work that I've been doing over these years.

So I feel, yeah, I'm comfortable out there. Just having more fun on the course.

Q. This golf course obviously got a little windier today. How much does that change your game plan from yesterday to today?

CARLOTA CIGANDA: I think it was pretty windy today. I played in the morning but I was one of the later tee times, so maybe it wasn't as windy as yesterday, but still maybe a couple clubs sometimes, or when the win was helping, maybe 20 yards of help.

So, it is tricky. It is true you have lots of wedges, or at least I did, and then, yeah, if you make putts you can score. There are some really good scores on this course.

Q. I want to ask you, you have three eagles just on the round, between your two rounds, what is it about this golf course that is just suiting your game so well and allowing those opportunities?

CARLOTA CIGANDA: I play good here in the past. I like the course. I like the grass. It reminds me of home a little bit, very green, all the trees.

Yeah, the par-5s I think two, three of them, they are almost like par-4s. Yesterday I hit driver, pitching wedge, driver, 50 on 8, and today two 9-irons.

So if I hit a good driver I have a good chance of making a three four.

Q. And one more question: With Solheim coming up in Spain this year, would you say one of your goals throughout this year and next is just to perform really well to get back out there?

CARLOTA CIGANDA: Yeah, I've been playing for a long time, and obviously Solheim is one of my favorite tournaments. Of course I would love to be there, especially in Spain, playing for Suzann.

Yeah, I mean, I don't want to think too much because still over a year to go. Yeah, I would love to be there and, yeah, win the Cup for Europe in my home country.

Q. As we look ahead to the rest of the week, I mean, off to a hot start. Three shots back at the moment. Obviously there is a lot of golf left to play out here today. What's the mindset you'll carry with you into moving day and Sunday?

CARLOTA CIGANDA: I think just try to do the same. I don't want to get ahead of myself. Just try to hit greens, make a few putts. I have the par-5s. Just play my game. We have a good strategy, and just follow that in the weekend.

Q. We typically play out here on the LPGA courses that are generally long. I feel like Blythfield, it's got some length to it but not really. Like you said, a lot of par-5s are more par-4s for you. Is it more fun to come out and not play on a pitch and putt per se, but still be able to hit a long driver, hit a wedge in?

CARLOTA CIGANDA: Yeah, I think we play a lot of tournaments. I like a mix of everything. I do like some tough courses. It is nice to play these courses, and score well gives you some more confidence, but I do think a couple of par-5s, they could be almost par-4s. Maybe it's because the wind is really strong.

Yeah, I mean, five par-5s, so I think it's almost like par 72 out here -- 71, yeah.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
121830-2-1041 2022-06-17 18:15:00 GMT

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