Meijer LPGA Classic

Friday, June 17, 2022

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Caroline Masson

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Caroline Masson. Another solid day, another day in the 60s, 4-under 68 out here. Really windy. What changed in the game plan today?

CAROLINE MASSON: Just trying to stay patient. It was really windy, gusty sometimes. I think just you make a decision, hit a shot, and then it doesn't switch, but it picks up or slows down.

So just have to live with the consequences, and I think I did a good job staying patient and making some good decisions out there.

Q. Take me through some of your highlights today.

CAROLINE MASSON: You know what, it was like a really consistent, solid round, so, I mean, there weren't too many crazy highlights.

Like I hit a lot of good shots, gave myself a lot of opportunities. I guess the highlight, yeah, no, it was the first hole of the day. I thought I hit a pretty decent shot in there. I think we misjudged the wind a little bit and hit it over the green and then chipped it in on that downhill chip, which was great obviously.

I mean, because that's not really where you want to be, and to really come out of it with a birdie was nice and a nice start.

And, yeah, kind of settled me down a bit for the rest of the day.

Q. Out here, again, this golf course doesn't have a lot teeth in it until the wind picks up. What was so challenging? Was it the approach shots today that were harder to read in the wind?

CAROLINE MASSON: It's just -- you know, at least the direction of the wind was the same. It's just more about how much is it blowing.

So like I said, it wasn't -- I mean, it's harder obviously, but as long as you play smart and make some good decisions and judge it right, I think it doesn't seem that hard.

I think that's what we did. I think we were smart about the par-5s. They were all downwind, like pitching it short of the green to where it wouldn't release over.

So as long as you're kind of in control of your ball flight I feel like it was manageable, even though it was blowing pretty hard.

Q. 9-under right now, five back of Jen Kupcho. A lot of low numbers out here, though. Do you get more aggressive as you go into the weekend with nothing to lose?

CAROLINE MASSON: I think it's the same. You know, just play my own game. I don't hit it as far as some of the girls up there, and that's okay.

Like I adjust and I play my way, and I think that's what I've got to do. Not necessarily more aggressive. Just really want to be very similar to the last two days. Hopefully couple more putts can actually go in and then I'll be happy with the week.

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121831-1-1041 2022-06-17 21:44:00 GMT

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