Meijer LPGA Classic

Friday, June 17, 2022

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Anna Nordqvist

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Anna Nordqvist. I know it wasn't as low as you wanted to go today but ground out a 2-under par, 70. Just walk me through your round.

ANNA NORDQVIST: I mean, I feel like I played really solid. I think I hit 16 greens and missed only three fairways in this wind, which I thought was really good.

It's just hard to get close to some of the pins. I feel like there were some front ones, if they're downwind, and hit some good shots and you find yourself like 20 feet away.

But didn't really putt very well, especially not on the back nine. I think I -- a little bit too much respect for the wind and it just didn't seem to affect a lot.

Overall I feel like I'm playing really good. Obviously I feel like I didn't score as well as I played today, but that's just golf. It was definitely hard.

Q. I mean, what changed in your game plan with this wind? I mean, obviously played yesterday afternoon, but seems a little bit different today. Or yesterday morning.

ANNA NORDQVIST: Yeah, we had a little bit of breeze yesterday morning, but obviously wasn't anything like this.

Like I said, I mean, it was just hard. Like on the last hole, you know, from hitting a pitching wedge 150 yards plus, so it's just hard to judge.

Overall I felt like I gave me good opportunities. Just didn't make any putts. It's just kind of (indiscernible - wind).

Q. Heading into the weekend you're only five back. Generally didn't go super low today. What's the mindset heading in?

ANNA NORDQVIST: No, I mean, I feel like anyone can shoot low out here. Just got to get your putter going a little bit. I feel like I'm happy with my game and that's really all I can focus on.

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121832-1-1041 2022-06-17 22:01:00 GMT

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