Meijer LPGA Classic

Friday, June 17, 2022

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Gerina Mendoza

Quick Quotes

Q. Okay, here with Gerina Mendoza. Just tell me I think a little bit of the challenges of the round and then maybe some of the highlights as well.

GERINA MENDOZA: Yeah, the wind was definitely a factor today, big factor. I don't know how it was yesterday afternoon, but today it's gusts up to 35 or so and there is a lot of crosswind.

Out here it makes it very difficult to get the ball close. And even putting, definitely affects the putts as well and the gusts.

So I was proud of myself for kind of hanging in there and just grinding it out and not trying to match yesterday's round just because conditions were so different.

I felt like I really committed to my shots. Hit some good shots, hit some not-so-good shots, but overall I'm pleased.

Q. Yeah, nothing wrong an even score. When you have some bogeys on the card, how do you make sure you're fighting back and fighting for that even today?

GERINA MENDOZA: Yeah, I just kind of go back to kind of the process. When you get result-oriented I think that's when you start making the mistakes, and so just reminded myself of what I was doing going through the process of picking good targets and being committed to those lines and hitting the ball solid and hitting the putts solid.

So after that, there is really nothing you can do. So if you can just worry about the things you can control and not worry about the things you can't control, and that's the hard part.

Q. You are still up there towards the top of the leaderboard because you had such a great day yesterday. How important was that round now in perspective? How do you move forward?

GERINA MENDOZA: Yeah, it was definitely important to get off to a good start. Obviously without the wind the course is very scorable.

You know, you just got to keep plunking along. You can't push it. You can't try to make birdies. For me anyway, stay in the process and hit good shots. Hit the fairway is No. 1 goal on the tee box, and hit the green.

With the putting you got to pick a line and your speed and that's all you can do. The rest is kind of out of your hands. I feel like I've been doing that pretty well the last two days.

Today was a little harder just with the wind. A lot of communication with me and my caddie trying to agree on a number, yeah.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
121843-1-1041 2022-06-17 23:02:00 GMT

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