Meijer LPGA Classic

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Chella Choi

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Chella Choi. Round of the day so far, 7-under 65 out here on a chilly day in Grand Rapids. What was working so well for you?

CHELLA CHOI: Practice round like almost 100 degrees feels like, but when I this morning came here like almost like just 50, so was really cold. So I wearing five shirt and two pant, and after nine hole I take off a little bit.

Yesterday wind a lot. I played in the afternoon. It was really tough to play golf, so after round I was very stressful to my golf game, so I practice really hard to practice my stroke yesterday, and this morning calm and nothing and greens super good, so I was made a lot of good birdie today.

Q. I mean, being that far back and playing your way into contention, I know the leaders still have to go out, but how proud are you of that effort?

CHELLA CHOI: I play really good today, but I know people, really good golfers here and so many birdie out there, so I know players can make a lot of birdie here.

But I play really good, and I have one more day and I focus on just every hole make birdie.

Q. How much confidence does a round like today give you, as you said, you head into Sunday?

CHELLA CHOI: Yeah, the golf is very difficult. Yesterday after round I feel like, oh, my God. I feel like no more golf, I don't want play golf.

But after today I really exciting to play next week and tomorrow, too. So it's complicated, golf.

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121855-1-1041 2022-06-18 16:46:00 GMT

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