Meijer LPGA Classic

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Atthaya Thitikul

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Atthaya Thitikul, continuing her trend of playing really well on the weekend. 5-under 67 today. You're in the mix. What was working so well for out there?

ATTHAYA THITIKUL: Actually this week I hit like -- the ball striking is really good this week. Like get more confident with the irons, and then just rolling the putter really well this week as well, so I can make it better than other week.

Q. Had a good stretch on your front nine of two, three birdies in a row I saw. What was going through your mind in that early stretch?

ATTHAYA THITIKUL: Pretty much just like enjoy I guess what I really want to do on the course, because I think like before I just like not be myself. Like I really want to make it, really want to be in the hole, something like that, so pretty much just like just do it like in the pace and one by one, yeah.

Q. What were some of your highlights personally out there today? Obviously had quite a few birdies on the card.

ATTHAYA THITIKUL: Just the putter I guess. Just give all the credit to the putter because it's like work really well today.

So, yeah, maybe hopefully it's working tomorrow as well.

Q. What did you change from Thursday and Friday to make the putter better?

ATTHAYA THITIKUL: Actually, I think the first two day my putter is really well as well, but just like my iron didn't get it to like that close to make it.

But yeah, something like that.

Q. And now you're kind of in the mix again heading into the weekend. You were in a familiar position a few months ago when you got that first win. Going to be a few shots back. Obviously leaders are still out there. What's the mindset heading into Sunday? You're a player that tends to go really low on Sunday sometimes.

ATTHAYA THITIKUL: Yeah, pretty much just like I say before, because I just want to be myself on the golf course pretty much, because I think when I get my first win I came here like -- like on top pretty fast, so all the people expect about my outcome, and me, too, expect about my result as well.

But just tomorrow really want to enjoy and be myself on the golf course, yes.

Q. You talk about being yourself a lot. How have you managed the expectations? What does being yourself look like?

ATTHAYA THITIKUL: Yeah, I have talk about how to handle all the pressure, how to like, you know, like handle all the things that you've been like -- all the gears as well.

I've talk about this with my coach, with Morgan Pressel, as well. She told me like, yeah, I understand it all. Like she just told me like sometime you kind of -- you have to change your mind a little bit because like other people just believe in you that you can do it.

They not just like force you and not just like pressure you do it, just be yourself and then just change your mind to believe in you.

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