Meijer LPGA Classic

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Jennifer Kupcho

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Jennifer Kupcho. I know you bounced back pretty well with the birdie on 18, but I know that wasn't as low as you wanted to go today. Just kind of take me through your round.

JENNIFER KUPCHO: Yeah, I mean, I wasn't playing as well as I thought I should. I think after a little bit of a rough start, missed a couple fairways, I kind of set a goal for myself to shoot 3-under and I did do that.

So glad to have done that. Obviously not exactly what I wanted, but it works.

Q. How do you keep -- you're obviously pretty competitive, pretty fiery player when you're on the golf course. How do you keep the emotions and expectations in check when you were struggling early?

JENNIFER KUPCHO: I mean, I think I kind of just controlled what I could control. Obviously I do want to win but I didn't have it today, so was just trying to keep myself in it.

Obviously there was a lot of golf left starting today, so I kind of just tried to remind myself of that, that there is more golf tomorrow.

Q. Is that a different mindset than maybe you would've carried in years past?

JENNIFER KUPCHO: Yeah, I've definitely learned that being in contention multiple times in the last couple years.

Q. Hitting a few balls afterward, do you feel you got a feel for what you want to fix out there?

JENNIFER KUPCHO: I guess we'll find out tomorrow. It wasn't too pretty, so we'll figure it out.

Q. A lot of tournaments there is that one day where you don't really have it and you have to fight. Were you proud of the way you fought today?

JENNIFER KUPCHO: Yeah, absolutely. I think I kept it under control and kept my emotions under control. To really hold off bogeys until I got to 17, I think that's pretty good for how my golf was today.

Q. Was the driver -- would you say that was the big issue today, and is that what you were working on over there?

JENNIFER KUPCHO: Kind of everything. Just hitting in general. I think that's usually my strong suit and it definitely was not today.

Q. What's the No. 1 focus going into tomorrow for you?

JENNIFER KUPCHO: I think just going out there and playing my best. I mean, she's a really good player. The whole top of the leaderboard are all good players. Anything can happen. Anything can happen on the back nine.

There is a couple reachable par-5s. Just go out there and play my best and control what I can control.

Q. Will you try to be any more aggressive? Got nothing to lose really. You're on top of the leaderboard. Like you said, it's really strong. There are six of the top ten in the world in the hunt right now. How cool is it for you to be in that position?

JENNIFER KUPCHO: Yeah, it's really exciting. I think this is what we all come out here to play for, so it'll definitely be really exciting round tomorrow.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
121870-1-1041 2022-06-18 22:53:00 GMT

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