Meijer LPGA Classic

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Allisen Corpuz

Quick Quotes

Q. Allisen Corpuz, hot day out here on Sunday. Played really well, 7-under 65 to finish the week. Just earned probably your best LPGA Tour finish in a stroke play event. Just walk me through what you're feeling right now.

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, it feels really good. I mean, everything was pretty solid today. Just had a really good ball striking week overall and finally got the putter rolling today.

Just really excited to kind of have some good momentum going into next week.

Q. Being a rookie out here, I know the first year is always tough, but you haven't seemed to be too bothered by that. We're about halfway through the season. Just tell me, what were some of your goals this season and are you meeting some of those goals at the halfway point?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, I think it's helped a lot that my mom has been traveling with me this year. It's just made things a lot easier.

But really trying not to put too much pressure on myself; just go out there and everyone out here is good enough play. You just kind of have to show up week in and week out and play your best.

So really just trying to commit to the process and go through my routines, and, yeah, hit good shots, just trust myself out there.

Q. Been playing really well recently. Played really well at match play; took a couple weeks off, but now back at here at Meijer. What were you working on ahead of this week as you took a little bit of time to rest?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, didn't hit the ball as well as I wanted to at the Open. Part of it I think was a little bit of fatigue. Really tried to balance getting some rest and then just getting the reps in when I was back home.

Q. Obviously you're used to college golf where you play a bunch in a very short amount of time. Is it tricky to kind of manage your energy levels out here?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Definitely can be. Like you said, I played college golf, but there a different I guess mental strain just being out here.

But I think when you're just looking at the week overall, I think that's something that I've been trying to get better at. Thinking like, okay, maybe not play 18 on a Tuesday because I've hopefully got four more rounds coming on through the week.

Yeah, it's been good so far.

Q. Heading into the third major this season, what kind of confidence does a round like this give you as you head to Congressional?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, my game feels like it's in a good spot. Hopefully just figured out putting today, so looking forward to it.

Q. What's been tripping you up, I guess, on the putting lately that you may have figured out today, or did balls just go in the hole?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Just went in the hole today. Everything has been feeling really close. Just kind of been burning a lot of edges the past few days.

Yeah, just had some really good reads out there today.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
121886-1-1041 2022-06-19 19:57:00 GMT

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