Meijer LPGA Classic

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Pauline Roussin

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, well, welcome inside. The first one to come off the course. Pauline, a 4-under score today. Walk me through what was working so well for you.

PAULINE ROUSSIN: It was actually a grind out there, but it was great. I had some struggle with speed in the first few holes. The rain was really cold and everything was cold.

It was just about hanging in there and just being patient. Very cliche, but I'm really working on that right now. One shot at time, I was really on that.

Yeah, I played a good game with like shaping shots and focusing on that and not necessarily the results.

Q. The patience paid off when you got to 14 with the eagle there. Talk me through that hole.

PAULINE ROUSSIN: Well, it was -- the rain just stopped at that point and so it was freezing, but it was just -- like at first I thought it was way too long and actually hit the pin, and went just like four meters pin high on the left; I just made that one.

It was a little bit of luck, to be honest. Good shot, but mixed with a little bit of luck.

Q. Overall, what have you been working on heading into an event like this on a course like this?

PAULINE ROUSSIN: I've been working a lot on myself, to be honest, more than the actual game. Because right now the only thing that can get really in between a good result and my game is my own mind.

So I'm working on that.

Q. I don't want to say when did you start working on that, but when did you make that a priority?

PAULINE ROUSSIN: I realized that I really had some work to do about like the reality of, you know, playing a bit -- not really good and (indiscernible) KPMG's field; second alternate now.

So it's just been downhill in term of like results, and I would say like after New York, which one, the one we play at Liberty National, I had to like realize that, all right, I have fears and I'm just going to have to learn to play with them and work around them and not let them define me as a player.

It's hard. I'm working on it. But it's definitely a pretty cool thing to work on.

Q. In golf we hear the word "patience" so much. What does the word mean to you, and at your age, how tough is it to be patient?

PAULINE ROUSSIN: I think like the definition of patience is the capacity of tolerate things, and so I'm a little -- it's like you tolerate bad shots, you tolerate the situation.

So I would say it's a lot about tolerance rather than actual patience. I'm not a patient person at all. Everyone is going to say I hate that word. So I really have to work on that.

But I'm just learning to tolerate what's going on and to more like, how do you say that, like more accept it, accept that reality and work around that reality rather than like focusing on the past or the future or what's going to happen.

I'm just really trying to be where my feet are.

Q. What was the club you hit in on the eagle hole?


Q. How far were you?

PAULINE ROUSSIN: It was -- yards or meters?

Q. Oh. If you know yards.

PAULINE ROUSSIN: It was pretty much like 200 yards.

Q. Okay.

PAULINE ROUSSIN: And we knew it could be a little bit long so we made it bounce a bit short.

Q. Yeah.

PAULINE ROUSSIN: It came out really hot0 and I was like, oh, my gosh. You need to sit.

It actually hit the pin. I was like, okay, cool.

Q. When you say four meters, what is that in feet?


Q. 16 feet, yeah.

PAULINE ROUSSIN: Yeah, 15 felt. Let's say 14 feet.

Q. Obviously you haven't seen the results you wanted to see this season yet, right? Do you embrace the challenge of putting it all together? It can be challenging, but at the same time, a lot of players embrace that and working to get on the other side of it?

PAULINE ROUSSIN: Yeah, I think it's definitely something that I need to embrace because it's reality. It's like accepting what's going on. It's not being -- I call that being an ostrich and put your head in the sand and just not facing the situation.

So it was a big step to just start working on that, and I'm still working on it. Yes, today was a little victory towards that, all that work I've been doing, but it's only the start of it.

So, yeah.

Q. Do you do it on your own?

PAULINE ROUSSIN: No. I work with a couple people.

Q. Oh, okay.

PAULINE ROUSSIN: Yeah, obviously my parents are, you know, the best parent I could ask for. They're super positive and really helping me out to stay very positive and all that.

Also David Leadbetter was helping me out a lot. He sent me a book that I'm actually reading.

Q. What's the book?

PAULINE ROUSSIN: I think it's Being Happy or something like that. It's a very old book. There is coffee everywhere in that book. I love it. It's about patterns and all that.

And then I started working with two other people for like on the mental aspect of things.

Q. Okay.


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