Meijer LPGA Classic

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Jennifer Kupcho


Q. Standing alongside the defending champion. It was great to watch you today. Just feels like you're so at ease and at home on this golf course. Why is that so?

JENNIFER KUPCHO: I don't know. I think it kind of sets up really well for my game. Five par-5s, I like par-5s at all golf courses, so certainly helps.

I think I just feel really comfortable in general. Played pretty well here even aside from the wind. (Indiscernible)

Q. You talk about the importance of those par-5s. You birdied every one of them today. Had a pretty good look at eagle at the 14th. Do you come to the golf course thinking that it's almost like par is 67?

JENNIFER KUPCHO: Today my par was 4-under actually for myself. Set low goals I guess and you achieve them, so, yeah, I just came out looking to keep playing well and that's what I did.

Q. You talked about it's interesting to come to this golf course now, first time as a defending champion, because you defended at the Chevron at a completely different course. What's to been like to step on to these grounds with all the great memories you created last year?

JENNIFER KUPCHO: It's definitely a lot different defending this versus Chevron. Just knowing the golf course, knowing where most of the pin placements are going to be, it's just a whole level of comfort. It's good to be back and kind of realize what shots I hit last (indiscernible).

If I hit a bad shot, then I'm like, well, if I did it last year I can do it now.

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