Meijer LPGA Classic

Friday, June 16, 2023

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Ayaka Furue

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with the new clubhouse leader, Ayaka. Ayaka, just what was working so well to put together another impressive performance here?

AYAKA FURUE: I think my yeah, I think my shots and putting was really good. Yeah. So, yeah, that worked for me today.

Q. Take me through some of the birdies out here, specifically on your back nine. Being able to have three on your back known holes, how did that feel coming in?

AYAKA FURUE: Yeah, I'm so happy to have three birdies on the back nine. Yeah.

Q. You've had nice results the last few weeks. What part of your game has been best for you?

AYAKA FURUE: Yeah, I think especially my shots were really good for these days, yeah, these weeks.

So, yeah, that's pretty good for me.

Q. We seem to see you at the top of the leaderboard a lot over the past couple weeks. Do you like feeling this challenging momentum, being in contention?

AYAKA FURUE: Yeah, I feel very happy to keep in the highest points and highest, yeah, place for, yeah, for this week.

Yeah, that's why I could really get confidence, yeah.

Q. For an event like this it is really important for players to see themselves going low. How will you approach the weekend to go as low as possible?

AYAKA FURUE: I just want to, yeah, keep my -- keep playing my golf, and, yeah, just want to get confidence about my golf as well.

Q. I don't think you had any bogeys today. What was your best par save and what did you do to save par?

AYAKA FURUE: On the third hole my ball was caught in the bunker and I have to do a layup after that.

I could make six meters birdie -- six meters par, I'm sorry. So, yeah, it was my impressive one.

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