Meijer LPGA Classic

Saturday, June 17, 2023

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Jennifer Kupcho

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, we're here with Jennifer Kupcho. Jen, just one more round behind us. What do you take from this round heading into tomorrow and your overall thoughts coming off the course today?

JENNIFER KUPCHO: Yeah, definitely didn't play as well as I thought I would. Certainly moving day, did not take full advantage of it.

I mean, I still kept it together with what I had today and just want to go recover and come -- hopefully come out and play well tomorrow.

Q. No one is truly running away with this tournament on moving day. When you see that, does it give you that confidence? I know you say you're not where you wanted to be today, but the fact that no one is running away with it, what's the game plan as you reshape your mindset for tomorrow?

JENNIFER KUPCHO: Yeah, certainly nobody is running away with it, but being at least three strokes back, maybe more after they finish, it's going to be kind of hard for me to come back. Have to go like 9-under probably.

So no mistakes and see what happens tomorrow I guess.

Q. You had the eagle on the par-5. What did that do for your round? Walk me through that hole.

JENNIFER KUPCHO: Yeah, actually similar pin placement to the final round last year that I also made eagle on, so good memories on that hole and pin placement. Hit a good shot in and gave myself a chance.

Q. How far was the putt there?

JENNIFER KUPCHO: Probably 30 feet.

Q. And when you look back to how you opened a year ago, as you look to shoot a low one tomorrow, what kind of confidence does that give you that it's out there?

JENNIFER KUPCHO: Yeah, definitely a lot. I remember last year that opening round was tough condition-wise as well. Super windy. Didn't get the very good end the draw on that one.

But, yeah, certainly out there there are a lot of birdie holes, so I just have to stay patient and hopefully putts will fall.

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