Meijer LPGA Classic

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Xiyu Lin


Q. I know you and a lot of players were so hungry for this victory. You've had four second place finishes in your career. What could you have done a little bit differently to have a little different outcome down the stretch?

XIYU LIN: I don't know. I think just need some time. I'm extremely proud of myself this week. I think I done everything I could do.

And this is golf. I mean, I think when I entering today I know it's -- it needs a really low one to get the work done. Unfortunately I couldn't quite get it going at the beginning of the day.

But I think overall I stay really patient and I executed really well everything. So I think overall it's a good week. I know my time is coming, but just need to be patient.

Q. Why not make your first win a major. We have the second major next week at the KPMG. Thoughts on what you potentially could do there? Everything in your game looked pretty darn solid today.

XIYU LIN: Yeah, I think, like I said, I had a little bit down time during Founders and match play, so kind of regroup a little bit.

And while I was ready, then I had COVID last week. So coming out of COVID is not easy, so I think like I'm very proud of myself, the way I grind out the whole week.

I'm so glad to see what we kind of talk about last two week has started to work again. Everything is going to pay off so I'm just going to keep trying.

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