Meijer LPGA Classic

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Amy Yang

Quick Quotes

Q. We're here with Amy Yang. Top 3 finish at the Meijer LPGA Classic Give. Just talk us through your experience here.

AMY YANG: Had an amazing week. Obviously I enjoy the town here and the golf course. It was so much fun out there.

I played so well. You know, I fought hard until the last.

Q. What was the mindset heading into today knowing you were right there at the top of the leaderboard?

AMY YANG: You know, definitely want to go for win, but I cannot force that, so I just wanted to like being enjoying being out there. Just enjoying it.

Q. How much do you enjoy being out here, especially on this course where you see a lot of the low scores?

AMY YANG: It's actually fun. Being able to shoot a low score, so much fun.

And also I've seen many fans out here today and the great weather. It was such a nice day.

Q. How do you take this momentum into KPMG next week?

AMY YANG: That's great. You know, I showed myself that I have -- I still have the game and I can't wait to see the course next week.

Q. Do you have a highlight or two as you made a run early on today?

AMY YANG: Highlight?

Q. Yeah, keeping yourself in the lead.

AMY YANG: One hole on No. 5, I would say that hole was a good one. I hit my tee shot on the right -- in the right rough. I was under the tree and I had to punch out with 4-iron. I was pin high about 30 feet and I made the birdie.

I think that was a good momentum.

Q. What is it about this event? Last year there was a three-way playoff. Eight people in contention halfway through today. What is it about this course this brings the best out of everybody?

AMY YANG: I mean, the area and the course is just so nice out there. You know, course setup, you know, it's fun track. I think everybody enjoys being out here, too.

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