The Amundi Evian Championship

Thursday, 22 July 2021

Evian-les-Bains, France

Evian Resort Golf Club

Pajaree Anannarukarn

Quick Quotes

Q. That was an amazing round, bogey-free 65. Is that some of the best golf you've played this year? You've played really well this year.

PAJAREE ANANNARUKARN: Yeah, it's been a good day out there. I didn't really -- I mean, just trying to focus on my game pretty much all day, and tried to give myself a lot of opportunities, and yeah, I made some really good putts out there and definitely been a good day so far.

Q. Tell me about some of those good putts you mentioned. It looked pretty easy.

PAJAREE ANANNARUKARN: Obviously not easy, but yeah, I think I've been hitting my irons pretty well, too, so that definitely helps, and I made some long putts out there, and I was just trying -- like again, trying to focus on the speed and what I've been working on, and I think it just worked out pretty good.

Q. What were some of the long putts you made? Where were they and about how long?

PAJAREE ANANNARUKARN: About 30-foot putts. I didn't expect that, but I mean, I struck it good, and yeah, made some really good --

Q. What hole was the 30-footer on?

PAJAREE ANANNARUKARN: Honestly I can't remember.

Q. You played really well here two years ago, too. I think you were top 30 at least, maybe top 25. Does this course suit your game?

PAJAREE ANANNARUKARN: Obviously I really enjoyed my week two years ago. I played great golf, just last two days or final round didn't go the way I wanted to. But again, I really like the course. The course is in great condition. It probably suits my game. I wouldn't say it's not because I played really good golf out there. So yeah, I like the course.

Q. Do the fans and the views and the weather help with that at all, maybe a little calm out there?

PAJAREE ANANNARUKARN: Definitely. I tried to look over just across -- from far, I can see from the other side of the border, and I think, yeah, the world is just really amazing, and that definitely helps me kind of bring -- kind of taking my focus out a little bit and just kind of relaxed out there, and yeah, this is good.

Q. You have had a really good season, made almost all your cuts, played really well last week with Aditi. How is your game feeling for you right now?

PAJAREE ANANNARUKARN: It's feeling great. I mean, like I said, I just really focusing on my progress right now, what I've been working on, trying to improve each and every day, and just really playing my game, trying to follow the plan as much, don't go too fancy or crazy. That's just kind of my plan.

Q. You had your rookie year and then last year completely derailed with COVID. Do you feel like you're finally starting to get the hang of this LPGA life?

PAJAREE ANANNARUKARN: Well, it's definitely a lot to learn, and I think I got -- I mean, I learned a lot from previous years, and that's definitely helped me gain more experience and what I need to do during the round and also the travel out here on Tour. I really enjoy it.

Q. How do you hope to follow this up tomorrow with your game plan for tomorrow?

PAJAREE ANANNARUKARN: Just focus on my game like today, try to be patient. The course didn't really set up that easy, of course. It's a major week, so just really try to play one shot at a time and just focus on my plan.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
110549-1-1002 2021-07-22 10:54:00 GMT

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