The Amundi Evian Championship

Friday, 23 July 2021

Evian-les-Bains, France

Evian Resort Golf Club

Ayaka Furue

Quick Quotes

Q. Ayaka, 3-under par 68 in the second round of the Evian Championship. Four birdies on the day. Did any of the birdies in particular help get your round started strong?

AYAKA FURUE: On the 4th hole I got birdie and I thought that was very good; started helping me.

Q. Right now you're in solo second heading into the weekend after 36 holes in your major appearance here. How pleased are you with your effort so far and what do you hope to continue doing to climb the leaderboard?

AYAKA FURUE: I didn't think I would be in this position after the second day. I'm a little surprised.

So after two days I would like the next two days play my game and see what happens.

Q. You seem pretty smiley out there, happy.


Q. What about this particular tournament are you finding that you feel comfortable with?

AYAKA FURUE: First of all I'm very thankful to be able to play in this tournament so I'm trying to enjoy every moment playing.

Q. What is your game? You just made a comment for the next two days you want to try and play your game. What was different about today than playing your game?

AYAKA FURUE: My goal is to keep it in play in the fairway and hit greens. That's how I would like to basically play my game.

Q. Okay. Rough is difficult here, huh?


Q. Is it the most difficult you have ever played?

AYAKA FURUE: It's very difficult, but I've played some difficult, but it's in the upper half as being the rough is very difficult.

Q. It's in the top ones?


Q. Now, how do you find the greens?

AYAKA FURUE: The greens here are very undulated so I'm not trying to attack pins. I'm trying to figure out where is the best position to land the ball to end up close to the hole. So I'm not attacking the pin at all but I haven't played too many of these big greens and undulations, so it's good.

Q. This is new.

AYAKA FURUE: Yes. In Japan in particular no greens like this.

Q. No?

AYAKA FURUE: No. It's not completely no, but very, very few.

Q. I took the no out and I make few. So few. Are you aggressive usually in your play?

AYAKA FURUE: No, I prefer to play safety first. So, no, I'm not very -- I'm not very far off the tee and the irons I hit I haven't been able to spin it like some of the other players.

Q. And with these greens it's difficult. You want to be careful because you spin too much and you're off the green.

AYAKA FURUE: (Nodding.)

Q. Going forward what are your goals after here? What is the next goal that you want to accomplish?

AYAKA FURUE: I haven't thought too much about that. I've been playing in Japan but I would love to play in more majors, as many majors as I possibly can.

Q. Will you play outside of Japan again this year?

AYAKA FURUE: Yes, I'm playing in the --

Q. Scottish?

AYAKA FURUE: No, they just told us. She's playing British.

Q. So you're going to be at the Women's British, okay. Have you played links golf before?

AYAKA FURUE: No I haven't.

Q. Wait. You will have lots of excitement and fun there.


FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
110650-1-1041 2021-07-23 13:50:00 GMT

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