The Amundi Evian Championship

Friday, 23 July 2021

Evian-les-Bains, France

Evian Resort Golf Club

In Gee Chun

Quick Quotes

Q. You had four birdies today: 1, 4, 9, and 15. Any of them in particular help you get going for the day?

IN GEE CHUN: I want to say my shot was good, but it didn't drop. I think tomorrow I'm trying to more work hard with my putter, and I hopefully could drop a lot.

So I think everything is good. Just want to keep going. Yeah.

Q. These greens in particular, with how challenging they are and how undulated they are, is it a matter of your putting stroke or is it just kind of finding the right spot on the greens? Like how you put a good stroke on the putt, can that really affect it or are the greens just that challenging and different compared to what we normally play you have to just pick your spots?

IN GEE CHUN: I talk with my caddie on the course today and I felt like -- I said, Dylan, the pin position harder this year, right? And I felt like got closer from the edge, but I really like the Evian golf course and made a good shot, and still we have a lot of chance to make a birdie.

Then I made a good score from here, so I don't want to say it's hard or -- I want to think about more easygoing.

Q. Is it easygoing when you have the views of the lake and everything? Is it pretty calming to be here?

IN GEE CHUN: Sure, it make me feel fresh, and when I miss couple shot or par then I'm looking for lake and got refresh. Yeah.

Q. Since we didn't play here last year - and you've won here before - did you miss this place a little extra last year, and was it extra nice and gratifying to come back and see a place you've won at after being gone for so long?

IN GEE CHUN: I feel like time fast, so even I feel I didn't have a 2020 year, but I really happy to be back here. I think most players love to play in Evian. It's a lot of fun.

Then all the spectators, they love to watch the LPGA game, so just really happy to be back here.

Q. Anything that you hope to tune up or just make sure it's really going well for the weekend?

IN GEE CHUN: Yeah, I want to finish strong so I'm trying to do my best and trying to make birdie as much as I can.

Then I want to see my name on the leaderboard, so I try -- I'm preparing for this weekend and then I'm trying my best.

Q. Speaking of making a lot of birdies, your fellow countrywoman found a lot of the them, Lee6 today. Did you see what she did?

IN GEE CHUN: She play behind me. I didn't see what she doing, she did, but I saw her score after round, and I agree, she had good condition. And she play really well last week, too.

And then still we have two more days, so I hope and I believe I have a chance too to make a low score.

Q. When you see somebody shoot that, do you put anything in your mind or do you think about, Wow, I can go low out here as well?

IN GEE CHUN: I think that's why I think the Korean players are strong. When someone did a good job or make a low score, then we got to feel we can do.

Q. Can do it too?

IN GEE CHUN: Yeah, it too. For sure we still have two more days. She's nice so hopefully she playing well, too, but I just trying to play my own game. Yeah.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
110651-2-1041 2021-07-23 14:48:00 GMT

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