The Amundi Evian Championship

Saturday, 24 July 2021

Evian-les-Bains, France

Evian Resort Golf Club

Brittany Altomare

Quick Quotes

Q. Second straight time at Evian you got a round of 65. You seem to like it here. Pretty good round today. Tell me about your round.

BRITTANY ALTOMARE: Yeah, it was pretty good. I hit the ball pretty good. I hit it close and then made some putts so that was nice.

Saved par on the last, which I feel like that continues the good momentum going into tomorrow.

Q. Is sometimes a par save just as or more important than a string of birdies?

BRITTANY ALTOMARE: I think so, especially on this golf course. You can get into some funky places, and I think when you save par it almost feel like a birdie sometimes.

Q. Tell me about some of the other birdies that you had on the day. Any of them that stood out, long putts or anything?

BRITTANY ALTOMARE: I think the one on 2 just because -- I don't know. That hole is hard and like -- I don't know. That was a good birdie to start off with.

Then definitely on No. 12, that pin was like tucked all the way back in that like back dip. We actually thought we hit it long and we got up there and it was nice surprise that it was about like 10 feet and that was a good birdie.

Q. That's always a good feeling.


Q. You came so close here several years ago; played pretty well here. Is this a course this seems to suit you or what is it about your success here at Evian?

BRITTANY ALTOMARE: I don't know. I think it's so beautiful here and I'm always so happy to be here. I mean, the course is difficult, but I think if you go in with a good attitude, I've always told myself good things will happen. That's what I always try to do.

Q. You've jumped up the leaderboard. Still well within contention. What would it mean to maybe finally get one tomorrow?

BRITTANY ALTOMARE: I mean, that's what I've worked for for a really long time, so hopefully just shot by shot tomorrow and keep in contention.

Q. What do you remember from that crazy round in '17? I remember standing here in the scoring shack hiding from the hail.

BRITTANY ALTOMARE: I know. I definitely remember 1 making that putt for par. That was super exciting. And then that whole playoff hole was a little ridiculous, but it was fun. David and I laughed through the whole thing, so...

Q. At least you can still look back on it as a good memory in your golf career?

BRITTANY ALTOMARE: It definitely is, so...

Q. And speaking of good memories, you're going to make some more after this. I hear you've got a driving trip coming up after this.

BRITTANY ALTOMARE: Yeah, I'm going to go to Italy and check out or wedding venue for October and do a tasting and hair and makeup trial, so should be fun. I've never been, so...

Q. If you've never been to Italy why are you getting married in Italy?

BRITTANY ALTOMARE: Because I've always wanted to go, and I really wanted to do a small family wedding, so I figured if we go someplace that's more likely to happen. You know, just I'm excited to spend time with both sides of the family finally together in one place.

I think it's been a crazy year and a half so it'll be nice to spend some time with family for an extended period of time.

Q. So that's in October?


Q. Did you have to postpone from last year?

BRITTANY ALTOMARE: Uh-huh, a year. So it feels like I've been planning this forever and now feels like it's coming up really fast.

Q. I won't ask what the venue is for your privacy, but did you find it online?

BRITTANY ALTOMARE: We found a wedding planner and they like work with a bunch of different venues and villas, so that's kind of where we went with that. Yeah.

Q. That sounds like an absolute blast. What are the plans after that?

BRITTANY ALTOMARE: That's October, so --

Q. I mean after the next week.

BRITTANY ALTOMARE: I'm going to go home and then fly back for the Scottish and British, but I really want to go home. I know that sounds a little ridiculous but...

Q. No. Especially this time of year with how crazy it is. Every night you can get in your own bed is amazing.

BRITTANY ALTOMARE: Yeah. And I'll have about a week, so I think that's a good excuse to go home.

Q. And the flight isn't that far back here.

BRITTANY ALTOMARE: No, I live on the east coast so it's totally easy, doable.

Q. The pain of all the extra flights we're having to go through right now.

BRITTANY ALTOMARE: Well, the extra steps to fly.

Q. Yes. But, again, we're here and we're playing.

BRITTANY ALTOMARE: We're here and playing, so that's great.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
110680-1-1041 2021-07-24 12:06:00 GMT

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