The Amundi Evian Championship

Saturday, 24 July 2021

Evian-les-Bains, France

Evian Resort Golf Club

Jeongeun Lee6

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, you had another very solid round today. Big lead. How excited are you about the way you're playing right now?

JEONGEUN LEE6: Yeah, I'm satisfied with my result today because some shot a little bit big miss, but I did up and down well.

So, yeah, it was great. Yeah.

Q. How hard is it to follow up on a round of 61 like you had yesterday with a round today?

JEONGEUN LEE6: I play in the morning yesterday but I play in the afternoon today, so green speed is too much different. So, yeah, speed really, yeah, tricky so some -- few putts a little bit short. Yeah, and then I focus on just speed on the green tomorrow.

Q. How did winning the U.S. Women's Open make things different for you? Did it change you as a golfer?

JEONGEUN LEE6: U.S. Open 2019 I didn't leading the final round, but this tournament I'm leading tomorrow so a little bit different.

I'm going to a little bit nervous, yeah, tomorrow, yeah.

Q. Do you feel your game has changed at all since winning the U.S. Women's Open? Was it a life-changing moment?

JEONGEUN LEE6: Yeah, I gained confidence and then U.S. Open is big, big tournament. It was really, really huge honor. Yeah.

And then I can play U.S. Open more ten years, yeah. I like it, yeah.

Q. Takes some of the pressure off getting that big win done.

JEONGEUN LEE6: After U.S. Open?

Q. Yeah.

JEONGEUN LEE6: No, no. That is just first win. I am waiting so much second win. Yeah.

Q. Have you ever had a lead like this before going into a final round? I think five strokes.

JEONGEUN LEE6: I'm not sure. Maybe not.

Q. Okay.

JEONGEUN LEE6: Yeah, maybe not.

Q. But you've been in the lead going into the final round before?


Q. What do you do when you have a lead, maybe even after any round?

JEONGEUN LEE6: Just I'm going to play the same today. Just, yeah. I don't know tomorrow's weather. Maybe it's supposed to be not nice, so just my backswing and rhythm, just focus on, yeah, just process, not results. Yeah.

Q. Absolutely. And then I don't want to put pressure on, but what would it mean if you could get the win tomorrow?

JEONGEUN LEE6: Yeah, I'm waiting so much second win, but this tournament is even the major tournament. If I win I'm -- I'll be very happy. Huge honor. Yeah.

Q. Absolutely. How are you going to rest and relax tonight before your big final round tomorrow? What are your plans?

JEONGEUN LEE6: I'm going to check just a little bit putting and then my backswing. And then I'm going to finish (indiscernible).

Q. Yes. I meant to ask, did you celebrate last night? Did you have delicious food last night?

JEONGEUN LEE6: Just you drank Coke.

Q. Celebratory Coke, huh?


Q. What is your favorite thing to eat here in Evian?

JEONGEUN LEE6: I like baguettes. All players likes that.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
110687-1-1041 2021-07-24 15:33:00 GMT

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