The Amundi Evian Championship

Wednesday, 20 July 2022

Evian-les-Bains, France

Evian Resort Golf Club

In Gee Chun

Press Conference


THE MODERATOR: Welcome everybody to the media center at the 2022 Amundi Evian Championship. Happy to be joined by Rolex rankings No. 11, In Gee Chun, making her eighth appearance at the Amundi Evian Championship.

Welcome back to Evian. I know you had a long morning. Before we come here, the last final you tee'd it up, you played on LPGA Tour you won another major title. You won the KPMG Women's PGA Championship; it was your third major title.

How amazing is that to you? You have three major titles you have won.

IN GEE CHUN: I feel very happy, and I feel happy to have a chance to try to win career Grand Slam. I feel very happy to be in this position, but at the same time, I have a little bit more pressure now.

Q. A little bit of pressure. I think hopefully good. After your win you had some time off. I know first you went to Pennsylvania to do work with your foundation. How special was that to you to go see the work of your foundation and to bring the new trophy with you?

IN GEE CHUN: It was still very special. I straight went to Lancaster after win Sunday, so we celebrate with everyone, with KPMG and U.S. Women's Open trophies. I think it's pretty good there. Everyone very happy to see the two trophies.

Q. What does your foundation do? I know the U.S. Women's Open is where you won your first major. If you could, tell us about your foundation and what it does.

IN GEE CHUN: So my foundation gives education and scholarship to caddies, employees and their dependants. Growing up there are many people who helped me to reach my goals. This is why I started the foundation.

Then I could support -- I was supported, so even especially to the community of Lancaster, which is like second home to me.

Q. And then after that, you got to go back to your actual home, Korea. What was the reaction there?

IN GEE CHUN: So after fundraising for my foundation I went to the Korea. My fans, they waiting for me to congrats me at the airport.

Q. Really? Waiting for you at the airport?


Q. Did they have signs or what did they do?

IN GEE CHUN: Big sign, placards, and like (indiscernible) and then flowers.

Q. Did you get to celebrate with family and friends?

IN GEE CHUN: Absolutely. I had a good dinner with my family. To be honest, I was a little bit busy with all the media thing and I went to my sponsor to thank them, so I just had dinner with my friends. Yeah.

Q. And my last question about looking back. I also saw you do a lot of painting. Can you tell us about your painting and what you're doing?

IN GEE CHUN: So I have exhibition in December with other artist, like Sunmi Park, so I met her from last December at her exhibition. So we trying to think about collaboration. We made this plan like last May.

Q. What do you like to paint?

IN GEE CHUN: I think I really enjoy to put my emotion on the paint or on the canvas. It help for release for my stress. I really enjoy to talk with her about her experience.

Q. So like I said, you have three major titles, but one of them was here. This is such a special place for you. What memories do you have of your win here in 2016 and a special week?

IN GEE CHUN: After I winning 2016 Evian Championship I had another record, like lowest score, which was men and women, so many people talk about that.

Then always I feel very honor and feel special. Then the Evian golf course has the most pretty views, so I always enjoy to be back here.

Q. It's beautiful. How does your KPMG victory boost your confidence when you come back to a course where you have had success? Does it give a confidence boost?

IN GEE CHUN: Absolutely. I think I already told like I feel really happy to be like position for a chance to win like career Grand Slam.

But at the same time, feel like a little bit more pressure. But I just want to try to like continue to enjoy every moment and just stay in the present. I want to do my best.

Q. I know you want to stay in the present, but when you come into a week like this, do you feel you can win? Do you expect to win?

IN GEE CHUN: I always try to win as always, so that's why I say I trying to continue to like stay in present and focus on my own golf game and game plan. Then I think I believe I can make better result.


Q. You've seen the golf course now for three days. We had a lot of rain this morning, but how does the golf course look and how do you feel as you come into this major championship?

IN GEE CHUN: I think the course in a great shape. We had a lot of rain this morning, but hopefully tomorrow it's going to be okay.

I think I saw a lot of spectators on the course, and even in downtown, so I'm so excited.

Q. You've mentioned the possibility of winning the career Grand Slam. When did you first think about winning the career Grand Slam? When did that first come to mind for you?

IN GEE CHUN: Before came to the LPGA Tour when I grow up I always think about the career Grand Slam.

I think just every player like dream about it, and after I won the KPMG then I have in good position, then, yeah, I have a chance.

Q. So that's always been a goal for you?

IN GEE CHUN: Yeah. It was like my goal, yeah.

Q. This one is just kind of funny. You're here in France. There is so much good food. What's your favorite thinking to eat here at Evian?

IN GEE CHUN: I really enjoy the baguette and creme brulee.

Q. And what hole here, where do you go when you want to see the best view?

IN GEE CHUN: Best view? Hmm, I think No. 6. Can see the lake with the Evian Championship sign. I think I like to see the lake from the No. 6.

Q. It's always such a beautiful place, but very hot also this week. What's your strategy for dealing with the weather? We play in hot weather all the time, but what's your strategy when the weather is hotter than usual?

IN GEE CHUN: I think just keep drink a lot of water is the best.

Q. We're in Evian. There is plenty of water.

IN GEE CHUN: We have Evian water everywhere.

Q. If there is a week for it to be too hot. Finally, I'll ask you one last question in English then we'll do some Korean. I keep saying you have three major wins. Three big wins. I mean, three wins for anyone is special, but three major wins. When you were a little girl, did you think you could do it? How incredible of an achievement is that?

IN GEE CHUN: So play on the LPGA Tour was like my dream, and after I won the U.S. Open like my dream came true, so I'm here to play golf on the tour.

Then career Grand Slam was one of my like biggest dream, so...

I think, you know, was so many years ago so it was not that (indiscernible), but for sure I dreamed about I made a career Grand Slam to follow all the good players.

Always happy to put my name on the next like legendary golfer, so if I can make it I think I feel very emotionally and very honored. Yeah.

THE MODERATOR: You were definitely one of the legendary golfers. Congratulations on your win and good luck this week.

IN GEE CHUN: Thank you so much.

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