The Amundi Evian Championship

Friday, 22 July 2022

Evian-les-Bains, France

Evian Resort Golf Club

Ayaka Furue

Quick Quotes

Q. So different round from yesterday to today. Still well in contention. How do you play today? Seemed like a little more difficult maybe out there today.

AYAKA FURUE: My shots and my putting wasn't on today and it wasn't very good.

Q. So were you having any difficulty reading the greens or was it just maybe mechanical?

AYAKA FURUE: The pin position was a lot more difficult today. After a couple holes I lost a little confidence in my stroke and that caused some trouble also.

Q. That you had already gotten to the 15th and it didn't go up and down and came all the way back, further back, was that the confidence question there?

AYAKA FURUE: That was confidence, and today when I putted practicing I wasn't reading the right reads, so I lost a little confidence.

Q. Because your second one after first one come back you got it very close. Very good. Congratulations. Very good. You're still well in contention for a major championship. Putting today aside, do you feel confident going into the weekend?

AYAKA FURUE: A little disappointing I shot over par, but I still have confidence and I look forward to tomorrow, challenging course, and play with confidence.

I'm sitting in a good spot.

Q. Very good spot. You play very well at Evian. Why? What is it about Evian that brings out such good results for you?

AYAKA FURUE: I don't know. It's a major but the yardage suits me and this course suits my game.

Q. What are the strengths of your game?

AYAKA FURUE: My driver I have confidence in.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
123053-1-1041 2022-07-22 11:01:00 GMT

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