The Amundi Evian Championship

Thursday, 21 July 2022

Evian-les-Bains, France

Evian Resort Golf Club

Perrine Delacour

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Perrine Delacour. What a way to start your week. 5-under today in front of a hometown crowd. How cool is that to have the fans behind and you fire that kind of number?

PERRINE DELACOUR: Yeah, I'm extra happy about the day today, I play really solid. I started really good, birdie two of the first three holes that I made, so really happy about that.

So, yeah, just play solid all day long and solid putting, so really happy about that.

Q. Did any of those six birdies you had on the card stick out? You hit 15 of 18 greens today. I imagine some of those shots were close.

PERRINE DELACOUR: Some were close, but I also drained two I think at least 30-footer putts, so two time I was like kind of far and made two good putts.

And then I had -- I hit two par-5 in two. Yeah, so I mean, it wasn't like -- it was pretty much easy birdie.

I played pretty solid and made some good par save, too.

Q. Golf course like this is notoriously tricky and notoriously slopey. Does having some local knowledge help you a little bit?

PERRINE DELACOUR: I think it's the kind of golf course the more you play to the better you play. I'm kind of glad like I play more and my caddie played even more because he caddied for his wife before. He knows where you need to play.

It's kind of more the golf course that you need to target. You need to play not every time the pin, like target, some targets, so kind of happy about that.

Q. To that point, what's the mindset when you have that kind of downhill or uphill lie and the pin is tucked to the direction the lie is going?

PERRINE DELACOUR: I'm just mostly like trying to go in the right position in case I missed it or the ball doesn't get the (indiscernible). So I kind of want to make sure I go on the right side of the green to make it either an easy up and down or a putt that I can make it easier.

Q. Playing a lot in the States, but how much fun is it to play in front of the crowd here at Evian?

PERRINE DELACOUR: Yeah it's super funny. I like it a lot playing home. I mean, it's nice. I also like to play in the States.

It feels different, but once in a while to play home is definitely fun.

Q. Finally, three back right now of Ayaka Furue, who's at 8-under. It's day one; three days left. What's the mindset?

PERRINE DELACOUR: Like I say, it's just going to be the same. Just going to try to enjoy the moment right now and have pleasure on the course and see what is going for the next couple days.

There is still three days. It's a lot of golf going, so everything can happen in golf.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
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