The Amundi Evian Championship

Friday, 22 July 2022

Evian-les-Bains, France

Evian Resort Golf Club

Sei Young Kim

Quick Quotes

Q. Started slow but you stepped on the gas. I mean, it was a really good finish.

SEI YOUNG KIM: You want me to speak English?

Q. In English first, yeah.

SEI YOUNG KIM: Okay. Yeah, yesterday the beginning couple holes I was really up and down, up and down. Yeah, it was tough.

And then I tried to just take it easy and then relax, and after that I got the lot of opportunity. And, yeah, I had -- like getting better, so, yeah, easy to play.

Yeah, two days I played quite solid round, especially last four hole I had a birdie. So, yeah. I like that, yeah.

Q. You think that is a hard lesson to learn, no?


Q. The calmer you are the better you play.

SEI YOUNG KIM: Yeah, that's right, uh-huh.

Q. So how do you apply that? How do you remind yourself of that?

SEI YOUNG KIM: I mean, my mindset always push myself, but sometime it's poison myself, so it's kind of tough to balance.

Yeah, I have to push but relax. It's tough. You know what you mean? It's not easy but it's not tough. I'm going to just do that.

Q. How did it work today?

SEI YOUNG KIM: Today is quite -- pretty just nothing going on front nine, but I keep patient and I just keep doing it, because I already prepare for this tournament so I just trust my process. So I just did it, yeah. (Laughter.) Yeah.

Q. Yeah, it's part of what you're saying about being calm, about letting things happen, no?

SEI YOUNG KIM: Yeah, that's right.

Q. So when you have somebody like playing like Brooke in front of you, do you try to chase her or do you just do your own thing?

SEI YOUNG KIM: Sometime, but she's a -- she's got a really good vibe, so just whatever you want. So I just play myself. Yeah, I just do my best, yeah.

It's better. Yeah, because she's already good conditions, like, yeah. Uh-huh.

Q. So you are in a really good position for the weekend, no? You've been there before.


Q. So how do you feel about the weekend and what can you think you can improve a little bit maybe?

SEI YOUNG KIM: I think just keep practice what I did, so and then just trust myself. I just focus on my process until the end of the tournament, so we'll see. (Laughter.)

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123076-2-1041 2022-07-22 17:44:00 GMT

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