The Amundi Evian Championship

Thursday, 11 July 2024

Evian-les-Bains, France

Evian Resort Golf Club

Gemma Dryburgh

Quick Quotes

Q. Okay, Gemma, great round today. Did you want to just talk us through it?

GEMMA DRYBURGH: Yeah, actually had a great chance on my first hole, the first. Then obviously went three in a row after that.

Yeah, putting well, kind of just seeing the lines really well. My putting coach, Nick Soto, has been with me this week, so I think the work has kind of paid off.

Also struck the ball well. Yeah, obviously no dropped shots, so that was nice to do around here. It's not an easy course. Just have some really good memories here last year obviously finishing top 10.

Yeah, just hoping to keep it going.

Q. Is that your best round on this course?

GEMMA DRYBURGH: On this course, yeah, I would think so. Yeah, I don't know what I shot last year, but I don't think it was as low as that.

Q. And do you think that the early starters have an advantage today or not?

GEMMA DRYBURGH: I'm not sure. I didn't really look at the afternoon weather. Hopefully obviously no storms come. Looks like okay to me.

But, yeah, I don't think the wind will get too much up, so I mean, they might have some shorter clubs into the greens as well, so I think it should be pretty even.

Q. Like any major, when you come back to the same course do you feel like this has been a learning process?

GEMMA DRYBURGH: Yeah, definitely. I think a lot of the girls have been here quite a few times. This is my third time playing it as a major. Played the qualifier years ago. Just having seen it a few time really helps.

My caddie has been around I think his seventh Evian, so just that experience helps a lot, I think just knowing where to miss sometimes and where the best putts are.

So I think that can really help.

Q. 7-under is great. Do you still feel there is some room for improvement?

GEMMA DRYBURGH: Yeah, definitely. Any round, even my best round ever, there is always a shot you look back on and you're like oh, I could have done that, could've done that.

But obviously had some good saves as well, couple good par saves as well, so I guess it evens itself out.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
146193-1-1041 2024-07-11 12:54:00 GMT

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