BMW Ladies Championship

Thursday, 21 October 2021

Busan, South Korea

LPGA International Busan

Alison Lee

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, Alison, a 5-under day today. Just take me through this first day here.

ALISON LEE: I mean, to be quite honest, I felt like I didn't feel like I was even playing a tournament when I teed off the first hole. It was my third week in a row, and obviously flying over here, it just kind of felt like a practice round day, to be honest.

But, yeah, I felt really comfortable out there. I was hitting the ball pretty good. I feel like my putter was like basically my weapon today. I was making every putt I had. And I had a few difficult par putts as well. And all those went in.

So, I mean, I feel like I have to really thank my putter. And actually changed my putter the weekend of Founders. This is a brand-new putter in the bag, and it's working great. So I'm really happy I did that.

Q. What was the new putter that you put in the bag during Founders?

ALISON LEE: So I've been using my putter, my old putter for the last 15 years. It's a Nike putter that I've used since I was a kid. And then I put in a 2-Ball, an Odyssey 2-Ball. And I actually used the 2-Ball before I used this Nike putter for 15 years. So I'm basically going back to my roots again. But, yeah, yeah, it's working great. Feels really good.

Q. What are your impressions now that you've got a competitive round under your belt? I know you said with the travel and everything, it doesn't feel like a competition. But what did you learn about this course after the first day?

ALISON LEE: I learned a lot. I mean, I'm always surprised that I'm out here with the amount of talent that we have out here. Like, I mean, I go out there and I shoot a really, really good number, and I think I'm standing pretty good, and then I look on the leaderboard and there's 20 other girls that shot the same score as me, and if not better.

So it's definitely going to be a battle all week, for the next three days as well. So I need to make sure I stay focused and try and play the best I can.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
113914-1-1222 2021-10-21 04:46:00 GMT

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