BMW Ladies Championship

Friday, 22 October 2021

Busan, South Korea

LPGA International Busan

Minjee Lee

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, Minjee, coming off three back of the clubhouse lead right now, but just takeaways from day 2?

MINJEE LEE: Yeah, I played with the leader, so, you know, I feel like I'm not too far behind, obviously three shots, anything can happen. You still have two more rounds to go. So, yeah.

Q. With that, you started strong with those couple birdies in the beginning there. What was working out so well with you in the beginning?

MINJEE LEE: I've been hitting it really solid the last couple months. So I feel like I'm pretty confident in my ball-striking and even my driving.

So it just depends on if I'm holing putts or not. So, yeah, I started off well. I was 3-under through I think 6 holes, 7 holes. I just made two bogeys on 8 and 9, and then finished with two birdies on the back nine.

So I feel like over all I had a pretty solid day regardless of the two bloopers I made today.

Q. What was it like to be able to close with those towards the end of your round, and did that feel like a relief after what happened in the middle there?

MINJEE LEE: Not really a relief. I told myself concentrate until very end, let's finish off strong. So I birdied 17 and 18, not the most easiest two holes. So I'm really happy to have made those birdies to maybe take the momentum into the week even.

Q. Quite a bit of weather difference. I know it's like that week to week on Tour, but at the same time, how much was that a factor in today's round?

MINJEE LEE: You know, we really had no wind yesterday. It was kind of like just a rainy day. But the conditions were actually quite scorable. But today is a little more windier. Sometimes the wind was a little bit swirly, just depending on how low you get under the mountains, I guess.

So, yeah, no, it was just a different experience, you know, still fun the play. Just a little bit more -- I think little more -- you have to judge it better, maybe just play the wind a little bit more. So, no, I think it was just two different days altogether.

Q. What's it like for you to be back here competing in a LPGA Tour event in Korea? I know you played in a KLPGA event just a couple weeks ago, but what it's like for you to be back here in a LPGA Tour event and around some familiar faces?

MINJEE LEE: Any time I can play in Korea, it's just a great -- obviously my parents are Korean, so it's just a great honor to be able to represent a different part of my heritage.

So I just feel like it's always going to be a special place for me to compete.

And, yeah, it's just really nice to be back in Korea, having some Korean delivery, and it's just fun. I really enjoy it.

Q. What do you think it is about this course that really is bringing out some key parts of your game this week already?

MINJEE LEE: I definitely think it's a ball-striker's golf course. So definitely tee-to-green you have to be solid. So I think that's the best part of my game. So I think that's why I really like it here.

Yeah, I just feel comfortable with the layout, and I think it's just a fun course to play.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
113954-1-1222 2021-10-22 06:52:00 GMT

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