BMW Ladies Championship

Friday, 22 October 2021

Busan, South Korea

LPGA International Busan

Danielle Kang

Quick Quotes

DANIELLE KANG: I've been working on a lot of good things. And I called Butch my fairy godfather today because he waved the wand and fixed something that I've been working on for a while.

And I was really honest and open about, you know, bugging me, and it doesn't really seem to bug me right now. So it's a really good thing.

Q. Is that what you mean by saying that you're feeling more free after talking with him and finally something clicked?

DANIELLE KANG: Yes. I guess it was more -- there was a couple technical stuff that we discussed. I think it's being open about what's bothering you, how you felt on certain putts and shots.

And I had enough data for me to present to him, and at that point we discussed possible stuff, and then we tried some things, and I feel like we're on the right track. And then that's when I felt more free.

I'm not that comfortable, but I feel free, if that makes sense.

Q. I know how much this tournament means to you as well as the city of Busan. So what does it mean to be back in contention again, similar to 2019?

DANIELLE KANG: More so than anything, I'm just really thankful to have this tournament be in play. BMW is actually a good sponsor of mine. So I'm very thankful for BMW to host this event. And I don't know the whole logistics of it, but I hope it's here for a long time because I personally love it here.

With that being said, it's very unfortunate that we couldn't have fans this week. However, we all understand the circumstances, right?

On that, I just want to showcase really good golf, and know there's a lot of Busan fans out there. So if they're at home watching, I hope that they're excited. Last time I was here, their cheering was unreal.

I think people know that I like playing in front of a crowd, and it's a little bit different that it's so quiet, but I still feel the energy and still feel the vibe. And it's a very special place, and I'm just happy to be back.

Q. Just before you we had someone you played alongside, Hae Ran Ryu. She said that you were one of the players that she's looked up to, and she really enjoys playing alongside LPGA Tour players. What do you think it means to be here playing alongside people that have looked up to you and also just the LPGA Tour in general?

DANIELLE KANG: That's pretty cool. She didn't tell me. I didn't know she was that young (indiscernible). It's pretty cool to be out here, and there are a lot of players out here that have so much talent, and they're great players.

And she had really good game today. So to see her on the leaderboard on the weekend, and we were a good pair together.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
113958-2-1222 2021-10-22 08:08:00 GMT

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