BMW Ladies Championship

Saturday, 23 October 2021

Busan, South Korea

LPGA International Busan

Hae Ran Ryu

Quick Quotes

Q. I want to start with the first 14 holes where you had a birdie-fest out there. Just take me through what was going so well and what happened on that five hole, five consecutive birdies in a row.

HAE RAN RYU: So I actually think that up until the 14th hole, my game was pretty fantastic myself. I wasn't trying to do anything over the top to do well, but I tried to stay focused and do what I needed to do.

And I think that that was why I did so well. And I also had a bit of luck on my part, and I think one of the main reasons I did so well was that I was doing very well with my long putts.

Q. Your long putts. And then after that, I know No. 15 was a little difficult there, but if you could take me through what happened with the double bogey.

HAE RAN RYU: So I drove a missed shot with the tee shot. So it was kind of left. And then I was concerned about the second shot. But when I got there, I saw that it wouldn't be such a big problem.

And so I was aiming for the green, but then the ball fell into this area where there was this hole. At first I thought it was a sprinkler, but it wasn't, but the rough was really green and the ball was there. And then I fade the face open, and so the ball didn't go where I'd intended and landed in the hazard.

And so that was how it kind of led to a double bogey. But I think that was a shot I think that could have been missed.

Q. What did you say to yourself or what did you do to regroup after that to still finish out strong?

HAE RAN RYU: I did do that double bogey, but like you said before that double bogey, I was making fantastic putts and I thought the double bogey, as I mentioned earlier, I that anybody in that situation would have missed.

So that was okay. But I think that I wanted to close my round more strongly. So I wish I did a little better on the final hole. And there was a three-putt there that I wish I had it. But overall I'm satisfied.

Q. What's the mindset as you head into the final day up there in contention?

HAE RAN RYU: I think that I have to get over the final hole today. I did have a good round, but that final hole, that final three-putt is still kind of weighing on me.

So I think for me to stay in contention, I have to get over that final hole and try to start afresh tomorrow.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
113994-1-1222 2021-10-23 07:30:00 GMT

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