BMW Ladies Championship

Friday, 21 October 2022

Wonju, South Korea

Oak Valley Country Club

Allisen Corpuz

Quick Quotes

Q. Your mom is Korean. Playing some good golf. Do you have any family members commenting out?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, I have an aunt that lives in Seoul and one aunt in Hawai'i but she's out here visiting. They are coming out with my grandma later this week, and depending on work schedules and stuff, a couple cousins might come out as well.

Q. What's it like seeing the extended family? I'm sure you have not seen a lot of them with the pandemic?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: I've never played golf in Korea, so that's first of all really cool. Yeah, I think the last time I visited was five years ago when I was in college. Excited to go see them. It's always nice just to see family.

Q. What about your grandma? How old is she? What's it like to reconnect with her?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, she just turned 90. I mean, my grandma passed away several years ago, so yeah, it's just her. I have my grandparents on my dad's side, but she's so sweet. She's so cute. And yeah, so many memories of coming to Korea during the summer to visit her and my grandpa. It's nice to be back.

Q. Does your mom or family know anything about golf? Are they big golfers?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: They are now. They are big fans now. Yeah, been following I think pretty much every week ever since I've gotten on tour.

Q. Finally from me, I'm sure a lot of the culture coming back. Is there any food you've gotten to eat this week that is okay in the States but really good here?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, when we went on that hike, we got some street food. We got odeng which is fish cake. They just had a bunch of pop-up stalls. They had them for the Pro-Am. The soup is really nice on cold days. It's really good.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
126271-3-1003 2022-10-21 06:20:00 GMT

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