BMW Ladies Championship

Saturday, 22 October 2022

Busan, South Korea

LPGA International Busan

Atthaya Thitikul

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: We're here with Atthaya Thitikul following the third round of the BMW Ladies Championship. I know it was kind of a quiet start, but you turned it on on the back nine. Walk me through your last nine holes.

ATTHAYA THITIKUL: Yeah, I tried to keep making birdie on the last nine holes because I don't have that much birdies on the front nine. Yeah, just trying to like put my ball in the position that I can chance to make an easy birdie.

I think it's in a really good position to make it because it's not that far, but I had like a good game plan, as well, on the back nine.

Q. The three in a row, walk me through those birdies on those three in a row.

ATTHAYA THITIKUL: It started with 13, I guess, 13 and 14 and 15.

13, I think it's better than yesterday on 13, because I know I got eagle the first day and then yesterday I got like double bogey, and then I make birdie on 13 today. I put it like a bit short of the hole, so today I had an uphill putt, so it's easy where I put it.

14, I just hit it close and made the putt.

But the highlight was 15, I guess. I know it's like a reachable par-5, but I hit it right, miss it right -- no, sorry, left, in the bunker, not really a bunker, but a really tough line. So I had to lay it up and had a really tough third shot, as well. It's like downhill, downslope, and just hit it, and it's pretty close. I couldn't imagine how it's getting that close, as well.

Q. I have two questions. Do you have any experience playing on a mountain course in any other country? Second question is what were you focused on the most in your game today.

ATTHAYA THITIKUL: Yes, I do. We had a lot of mountain courses in Thailand, as well. Different type of grass, but kind of like hilly as well.

Just really trying to put the ball in position because I know we had a really big green on this course, and if you miss it long then you have a really long putt coming up into the hole. But trying to keep the ball close to the hole is pretty important for this course, I guess, because the green is not that easy. It's pretty slopey, and then you have to like make a really good imagination to putt it in the hole, see the balls pretty well to get in the hole.

Q. After the first round we asked how you felt about possibly becoming the top ranked player, and you said that it wasn't really on your mind. Now it seems that it's very likely that you will get that position, especially with the defending champion withdrawing from this event. Can we get your Frank and honest thoughts about that?

ATTHAYA THITIKUL: I mean, to be honest, I don't really care about the ranking. I don't really care to be like No. 1 in the world at all because I play golf because I want to take care of my family. I want to feed my family. Whatever I am is fine. Even my family, they have a good life already. Ranking is not that important for me for real.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
126317-2-2025 2022-10-22 08:31:00 GMT

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