BMW Ladies Championship

Thursday, 19 October 2023

Busan, South Korea

LPGA International Busan

Hee Young Park

Quick Quotes

Q. Welcome back to the LPGA Tour. What was it like to have your first round under your belt today?

HEE YOUNG PARK: Well, so I just happy to be here. And I actually played one of the KLPGA tournaments before this event. So kind of warmed up already.

But, you know, I appreciate girls, and they like, you know, they super duper like ready, you know, play golf, and my expectation was -- actually, like, went up. But my skill in practice not that, you know, like really hard and sharp enough. So, I mean, I'm so happy to be here.

Q. Now, you've been away, caring for the little one. What has motherhood been like for you?

HEE YOUNG PARK: So I've been pro, this is my 19th year almost 20 years. I haven't been really took a break like over six month. This is the first time. And then always somebody look after me. But this is first time ever I look after somebody, which is little one. And then, I mean, another happiness that he give to me, and I support him, and so happy with the little boy.

Q. Is it nice to see some friends again that maybe you haven't seen in a bit?

HEE YOUNG PARK: Yeah, I mean, I miss so much Tour, because my LPGA friends and everybody hug me and, you know, they walk to me and talk to me a lot, a lot of things. And this does so much inspire me and, you know, I'm glad to come back on the Tour.

Q. Is your little one watching you play this week, or is he home?

HEE YOUNG PARK: Supposed to be not watching TV, but grandma watching, you know, look after baby, so probably, yes, watching TV all the time.

Q. So now that you have the first day down, is it nice to get back? I know you had the KLPGA event, but is it nice to be back in that competitive spirit?

HEE YOUNG PARK: I think so. I mean, my mind is getting simple. So it helps actually make the score play through 18 holes instead of like used to be perfectness, try to perfect shot every single time. But this is like little different. I played 18 holes more feeling and more instincts with every single shot actually helps create a score.

Q. It's a different mindset.

HEE YOUNG PARK: Yeah, different mindset.

Q. Does it feel nice to be playing as a mother?

HEE YOUNG PARK: I think so.

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