LPGA Q-Series

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Mobile, Alabama, USA

Magnolia Grove Golf Club

Julia Lopez Ramirez

Quick Quotes

Q. Julia, what a round today, between both two days. To go bogey-free in this final day of Final Qualifying, just overall what were you feeling right now?

JULIA LOPEZ RAMIREZ: Honestly feels amazing that I competed this way. It was a bit of a bummer yesterday having to stop. Playing good golf and just stop in the middle of the round.

Honestly, came so excited for today, too and the weather hold up for us, so that was super nice.

Honestly just the game was so solid. Make a few putts and just keep myself very present, so a good round came out.

Q. When you have that suspension of playing, but also to know there is so much on the line, especially on this final day, what were some of the thoughts you had? How do you keep the pressure at bay when maybe it can get into someone's head?

JULIA LOPEZ RAMIREZ: Yeah, no, 100%. I think that's something that I did a really good job this week of keeping myself present and like just focusing every shot; not think about what could happen. I think that's something you can do very easily, especially having a cut line of like 25.

So I think I did a good job keeping myself present and just doing everything like step by step.

Q. You come from qualifying where you turned professional. You made that choice to come here to Final Qualifying. What was that choice like for you and how do you feel now to be standing where you are?

JULIA LOPEZ RAMIREZ: Yeah, I know. Honestly it wasn't an easy decision before. I just thought it was a really good opportunity to say no to, so I decided to like go for it and just play the golf that I do.

Honestly, yeah, the name is professional now but I feel it's the same golf, still a golf course, so I think I'm very excited about that. The fact that I make it to LPGA, that's honestly a dream come true and steps coming in.

Q. What has this experience been like for and you what have you learned about yourself and your golf game knowing that you can do it on a day like this?

JULIA LOPEZ RAMIREZ: I think that give you like a lot of confident for myself, especially knowing you can play with the best, too. I know this is a field that like it's good players out here, and like players that lost card, players the same as I do, college players that I play against before.

So I think it honestly gives you confidence going to the next steps and knowing my game is capable to be up there. So now it's like I think to go step by step for it.

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