Canadian Pacific Women's Open

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The Ottawa Hunt and Golf Club

Nelly Korda

Quick Quotes

Q. Maybe the ultimate tale of two nines out there. How would you describe your round?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, the front nine I was just hitting it really well. I think I missed like an eight-footer on 1, eight-footer on 2, and made my first birdie on 3, which I hit to four feet.

But the greens are definitely really tricky. They're hard to read and kind of like in a sense a little too fast for the grass, where you feel like you're putting on glass. So if it hits -- you see every spike mark, and if it hits a spike mark, it just ricochets somewhere else.

But 4-under, I'm happy with that. Unfortunately couldn't kind of capitalize on 10 and 18, which I did go for in two. But that's golf. It's the first day. I'm happy with the score that I shot today.

Q. Just wondering, is the back nine a little bit tougher do you think or are they roughly the same?

NELLY KORDA: I would say maybe it's a little longer. Yeah, I mean, I think both of the nines, they're very different. Like not one hole is the same. I think the defense of this golf course is the greens, because they're not just fast -- they're not firm but they're not just fast, but they're very slopey.

So if you do hit it at a lighter pace the break takes it in constantly, so you have to account for that.

Q. Nevertheless, being 4-under after the first round of any tournament is good. You've got to feel good to be in the position you're in now.


Q. What do you have to do to keep your focus for tomorrow?

NELLY KORDA: Just continue sticking to my game plan. I shot a bogey-free round today. I'm very happy with that. Minimized my mistakes, and hopefully I can continue doing that the next three days and give myself some more chances.

Q. Been asking players what they think about the 17th hole, the hockey rink.


Q. What's it been like for you so far?

NELLY KORDA: It was good. It's a cool atmosphere. I mean, when you hit everyone is banging on the boards, so it's cool. It's a little different.

I wore a jersey today.

Q. Was it a Chicago Blackhawks?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, it was a Chicago Blackhawks jersey, yeah.

Q. Did they have (indiscernible) bring you one?

NELLY KORDA: No, I got it from the tournament, yeah.

Q. I know you and Brooke obviously live on the same side of Florida. How would you describe your relationship? Are you friendly? Are you friends? How would you say that and you Brooke get along?

NELLY KORDA: I feel like everyone is very friendly with Brooke. I mean, it's very hard not to be friendly with Brooke. She's very, very kind. Yeah, every time we play together we just chitchat and she's super sweet and I enjoy my time with her.

Q. You're obviously one of the most recognizable golfers on the planet. This week, having all Brooke kind of everywhere, how does that make you feel? Do you feel like there is any pressure off or just kind of like this is a unique little week here?

NELLY KORDA: I think it's super cool. She took over my pro-am yesterday, or I feel like I started her pro-am. I joked, I was like, it should be the BHCP Women's Canadian Open, because it's crazy.

Honestly, I've always said that the Canadians are super passionate fans for their players, and it's honestly really cool to see. I know that her hometown is like 45 minutes away.

Q. Yep.

NELLY KORDA: Smith Falls. It's really special to see. I think deep down she really, really appreciates all the sport she gets here. From an outside point of view I think it's awesome.

Q. And how is your health been? You got back on the tour.

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, everything is good.

Q. When you were off at that time, did that give you time to reflect about your golf or life in general?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, I think it made me appreciate being able to play golf and travel and being active and living a healthy lifestyle for sure.

When it's taken way from you, that's when you get to reflect on it.

Q. Nice to have you back.

NELLY KORDA: Thank you.

Q. I think jet lag has been the story of your life this year. Coming off the big win in Spain, do you have any idea what time it is and what was that week like? You're coming off a win.

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, I honestly thought it was bad going to Europe. Coming back from Europe I never struggle, and it's actually quite nice because you wake up early. This morning I wasn't like a zombie, and you go to sleep earlier.

So I actually prefer coming back from a Europe than going to Europe. I find it a lot easier.

Q. Overall how that was experience last week?

NELLY KORDA: It's a lot of fun. It's cool to end the tournament on a Saturday. I had my friends there, too so we got to have some fun, too, and then hopped on a plane on Sunday and back to work.

Q. That's your first win of this year?


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124042-1-1041 2022-08-25 17:03:00 GMT

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