Canadian Pacific Women's Open

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The Ottawa Hunt and Golf Club

Maddie Szeryk

Quick Quotes

Q. Maddie, can tell us about that round and how it felt to play so well?

MADDIE SZERYK: Yeah, it was pretty awesome. I started out hit a couple thin. I'm like, okay, it's fine. I hit it well in the practice round.

Just hit a couple really good ones, made some good putts, and it was just trying to focus on each shot. Saw my name up there and I was like, okay, just keep playing golf.

It was really exciting.

Q. The last time you played here five years ago as an amateur you were 79 in the first round.


Q. What was different about that round versus this round or different about you?

MADDIE SZERYK: I think I've just grown a lot and learned more about myself and my game since then. Played professional couple years, and it's just been really awesome. Just to see some of those great results -- I felt like I've been really close, and just to see the results is pretty cool.

Q. What's the attitude after a 67 versus after a 79?

MADDIE SZERYK: Oh, it's way different. After a 79 it's like, okay, I need a miracle for the next day to make the cut.

But tomorrow I'm just going to keep doing what I was doing today and hopefully have a good round.

Q. What was the key to your round today?

MADDIE SZERYK: I just played really steady. Missed a couple greens early on and get those up and downs. I think just having -- being able to stay patient and steady through those.

Q. Is this a round that you might have been expecting or waiting for perhaps?

MADDIE SZERYK: Yeah, a little bit. You know, I felt like I was really close and just wasn't getting the results that I wanted. Yeah, I just felt like I had a really good week of practice leading up to this and just really excited to be here.


Q. I see that ribbon on your visor. Can you speak about what it means to you?

MADDIE SZERYK: Yeah, I think just honoring people who have done a lot for the game, it's really important to honor those people.

Q. As a Canadian, do you feel extra pressure this week or for you personally is this just another start on the LPGA tour that you're hoping to have a good result?

MADDIE SZERYK: Yeah, the Canadian Open is always like a major to the Canadians, so you always want to play well. Just having all my family here and like so many Canadian fans out here, we haven't had the Canadian Open for a few years, so it's great to be back here.

You want to play well. You're on home turf, so you want to do well.

Q. How much family do you think you have out here? Can you estimate?

MADDIE SZERYK: So I have my grandparents, parents, couple aunts and uncles, so quite a few. Yeah, I have a large family, so most of them are here.

Q. Is there less pressure when so much attention is on Brooke?

MADDIE SZERYK: Yeah, I mean, I think you cheer for all the Canadians. You want everyone to do well. I think it's just I want her to play well; I want all the Canadians to do well.

So, yeah, it's really cool to see hopefully everyone do well.

Q. What do you think of No. 17, The Rink?

MADDIE SZERYK: It was pretty cool. Yeah, I'm excited to see it as the tournament goes on. It was really fun having those fans there banging on the walls.

Yeah, just something new that we don't have very -- ever. So, yeah it was pretty fun.

Q. You're from London, Ontario. Did you think about bringing a London Knights jersey for 17 tomorrow?

MADDIE SZERYK: Well, I was already up here when I saw the email, so I was like, oh, shoot. But, yeah, it's pretty awesome that they have it.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
124049-1-1041 2022-08-25 17:39:00 GMT

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