Canadian Pacific Women's Open

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The Ottawa Hunt and Golf Club

Pauline Roussin

Quick Quotes

Q. 5-under. Really good way to start the round. You're smiling big. How are you feeling right now?

PAULINE ROUSSIN: Satisfied. It's a good way to start a tournament. So, yeah, it was a good day and we had some fun out there. Yeah, some shots that were a bit weird to be honest. But, no, definitely a really good round.

Q. What's a weird shot?

PAULINE ROUSSIN: Chunks with 7-irons. That is a weird shot for me. And more than one time. So, yeah, some weird things.

Q. Everything else had to be going really well for you then if you had some weird shots and shot 5-under.

PAULINE ROUSSIN: Yeah, I had a couple good up and downs and then couple good putts as well, and, yeah, it was -- there were some good things. It was overall pretty good, except for these like three to four shots, which is not that bad, just four shots.

But at least it gives me something to work on after the round.

Q. How good is the scoring right now?

PAULINE ROUSSIN: What do you mean?

Q. How easy is it to score out there right now.

PAULINE ROUSSIN: Oh, I think it's actually pretty hard because the greens are very fast. Like if you get a downhill putt it can quickly end up pretty long behind if you miss the hole. Then I guess it depends on how far you hit it.

The par-5s are actually pretty long. Tried to go for it twice, but I barely made the front of the green, which is -- and I'm not the short player.

So, yeah, the par-5s were hardly reachable.

Yeah, overall it's a good balance, but, yeah, depends on how far you hit it.

Q. Lauren is coming in next. She had the hole in one. Did you guys see it? What was the reaction out there for that?

PAULINE ROUSSIN: It was pretty exciting because it was literally a perfect shot. Landed three feet short and then just rolled in. You know, it's good vibe for the group, it's very good vibe for her, so I'm glad she did that.

She had a very good round overall. It's a good way to start a tournament, especially as an amateur on the LPGA.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
124061-1-1041 2022-08-25 19:24:00 GMT

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