Canadian Pacific Women's Open

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The Ottawa Hunt and Golf Club

Lilia Vu

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Lilia Vu after round one at the CP Women's Open. Talk about the front nine first. It seemed you had a birdie on every other hole. How did you get off to such a hot start?

LILIA VU: I feel like this is going to sound like a broken record because I tell that you every single time, but I play one shot at a time. That's all I can focus on and that's what I did today.

Q. How do you prepare I guess like before the round?

LILIA VU: Before the round, I mean, honestly I've had this thumb injury. It's been kind of some sharp pain the past couple days. I was supposed to play 18 on Tuesday, but I only played until 12 and I took off because I just didn't want to hurt my thumb any more.

So warming up this morning I was trying not to hurt it more, but it was fine today.

Q. That's good. How have you been managing that? I see you have tape on? Other than that.

LILIA VU: Yeah, I've been seeing Alex inside, just him massaging my forearm, trying to get it loose.

Q. A lot of players today have been saying the back nine was playing a little easier than the front nine, but that didn't seem to be the case for you. What were you seeing out there on the front nine and on the back I guess? What was easy or hard?

LILIA VU: Honestly, I never really evaluated like which side was harder, which side was playing easier. I was just trying to birdie every hole, and if not, move on.

Q. What kind of shots were working for you today? I hear you have longer fairway shots, smaller greens.

LILIA VU: I think my approach shots were really good today. I had a couple tap-ins, so that helped. I don't think I made a lot of long putts, and, yeah I was just hitting it really close today.

Q. The par-5s seem to be playing a little longer today, except for that one on the 9.


Q. How were you managing the par-5s? Did you think about those?

LILIA VU: I kind of based my strategy on par-5s based off where the pin is and where I want to have a shot in from, so couple of them I was like, I know this is going to be a layup shot.

9 I went for it but blocked it way right, so almost killed a couple people, but we managed with a par.

Q. You played this event before?

LILIA VU: I have not. This is my first time.

Q. What do you think about it? Not just the course, but like this event in general? It's pretty big.

LILIA VU: I think it's super fun. There is a lot of spectators coming out to watch Brooke and the other Canadian girls. 17 was different for me with all the slamming on the boards. That was different.

Hopefully I hit a better shot tomorrow so I can get a bigger board bang.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
124070-1-1041 2022-08-25 22:14:00 GMT

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