Canadian Pacific Women's Open

Friday, August 26, 2022

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The Ottawa Hunt and Golf Club

Nasa Hataoka

Quick Quotes

Q. So you had two solid rounds but I saw you had an eagle on No. 9 today. What happened there?

NASA HATAOKA: No. 9 the tee was front so I was able to play aggressive. Hit a little left on the green, but the slope helped me a lot.

About 20-footer.

Seven meters, so 20.

Q. We can do the math.

NASA HATAOKA: Yeah. Was straight line. I think I was able to putt it.

Q. Yes, you did very good today. Two solid rounds. Near the top of leaderboard. How do you feel going into the weekend?

NASA HATAOKA: I feel like I still have small details, adjustments needed, especially on the green. I think that's the gap between the top right now. If I can adjust that on the weekend, I feel like I can play pretty comfortable.

Q. And what was it like this morning playing in the rain and the cold? Had you already started?


Q. So what's that like to have to stop and then start again?

NASA HATAOKA: Yeah, if I had 15-minute later tee time I didn't have to play in the rain, but that's part of golf.

I feel like I was able to concentrate the whole day.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
124096-1-1041 2022-08-26 19:41:00 GMT

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