Canadian Pacific Women's Open

Friday, August 26, 2022

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The Ottawa Hunt and Golf Club

Narin An

Quick Quotes

Q. You are a rookie on the Tour, your best finish is a solo third and you’re leading at this point in the tournament. What are you thinking right now?

NARIN AN: I don’t have experience winning in the US, but I do have some experience in Korea, so it’s a not an unfamiliar feeling right now. I hope to put up good results the next two days just like I did yesterday and today.

Q. The defending champion of this tournament is a South Korean, Jin Young Ko. The most recent winner of this event here was another South Korean, Sung-hyun Park. Have you talked to them about this event and what did they say to you?

NARIN AN: I’ve never asked, so haven’t heard any.

Q. What did you learn yesterday that helped you today?

NARIN AN: I thought this yesterday too, but I knew I had to hit the fairways well.

Q. Dealing with a rain delay, how do you stay ready even with a delay

NARIN AN: I thought I’d be hungry so I ate some food. I thought rain would continue to come and I’m glad it didn’t, but I definitely had to focus more in the event that it would rain again.

Q. How did you take advantage of the birdie opportunities out there today?

NARIN AN: Generally, the birdie chances came from a lot of good iron shots and my putting was able to support those iron shots, and thus put up good results today.

Q. You’ve had a lot of success on the KLPGA, how is it different out here?

NARIN AN: I don’t think there’s that big much of a difference between here (Canada), the US and Korea, but if I had to pick one, it would be the environment. There’s different environments here, so I need more time to adjust to each one.

Q. Do you enjoy playing on the weekends more? How do you take advantage of moving day?

NARIN AN: I think it’ll be fun. It’s been a while since I’ve played as a leader, so I think it’ll be fun and I hope to put up another good round

Q. Do you think you have to continue to shoot low to be able to with this event?

NARIN AN: Yes I think I do.

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