Canadian Pacific Women's Open

Friday, August 26, 2022

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The Ottawa Hunt and Golf Club

Danielle Kang

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Danielle Kang after round two of the CP Women's Open. Your second bogey-free round of the tournament. How do you manage that? How were you managing the challenges out on the course today?

DANIELLE KANG: I feel really patient with how I've prepared. So I know that sounds weird, but I know this golf course a lot of people have gone really low, so just trying to give myself as many birdie opportunities as possible.

Yeah, just not really worried about what's going on out there. Just trying to execute what I can, and that's kind of the focus in the present moment.

Q. Yeah, a lot of different conditions today than yesterday.

DANIELLE KANG: Yeah. We got dark, we got rain. I was really happy about the delay this morning, and then I was able to watch my friend, Arden Cho's show, so that was fun.

I was happy.

Q. Does that affect your preparation in any way, having a long delay and knowing it'll be a little colder, wetter?

DANIELLE KANG: Not really. I think it's going to be harder for me to walk because it's softer ground. I have to -- I warmed up for about an hour and a half today. I lengthened my warmup because I knew it was going to go until later in the day and my body tends to tighten.

I wore three layers on bottom and two layers on top and it's not that cold, because I have to keep warm and sweating is better than getting tightened up just in case we get the weather. So those are the things I'm more conscious about than golf game.

Q. How happy are you that you finished your round today?

DANIELLE KANG: Ashleigh Buhai is the officially the MVP of the week for me. She just drained her birdie and ran, and then I was really appreciative Nelly and Lexi moving to the side so we could tee off. We did the same thing for the group behind.

I really appreciate that. That's camaraderie right there.

Q. Yeah. And now you can focus just all on one round tomorrow.

DANIELLE KANG: Yes. Instead of coming back for one day, yeah.

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