Canadian Pacific Women's Open

Friday, August 26, 2022

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The Ottawa Hunt and Golf Club

Maddie Szeryk

Quick Quotes

Q. For two days; how does that feel?

MADDIE SZERYK: Pretty awesome. I don't think I've ever done that before. I just played really solid. Just hit a bunch of greens and putted okay. Just hit it well, so wasn't really in a lot trouble.

Yeah, it's pretty cool. I don't think I've done that before.

Q. Leading Canadian in the Canadian Open too sounds pretty good.

MADDIE SZERYK: Yeah, it does. Yes, for sure.

Q. Any of your experience in 2017 you think helped you out?

MADDIE SZERYK: I think a little bit. I was familiar with the golf course, but I think I've grown a lot as a player since then and have played for -- played professional for a little bit now, and, yeah, great to be back.

It's a beautiful golf course. Love to see my name -- yeah, love to see that I'm playing well.

Q. You talked yesterday about how this is the Canadian Open, and as a Canadian you want to play well. Insofar as your season as a whole, this will be your first made cut other than the team event.


Q. So you does that feel insofar as where you're at on the LPGA Tour this year?

MADDIE SZERYK: Pretty amazing. Definitely was a rough start, but it just takes time to get used to everything and adapt.

It's a whole new level compared to Epson and college golf. Yeah, it's been pretty amazing. I'm very, very happy.

Q. You mentioned it's a whole new level. What are some of the differences between the collegiate level and pro level?

MADDIE SZERYK: I think the players, you get better. The courses are harder, some of the pins are tucked, and the greens are firmer. You really have to think of -- the short-sided chips are like, uh-oh, I'm in big trouble here.

I had to learn that the hard way the first couple weeks, but I've adapted.

Q. You had a nice gallery following you. I feel like many if them are probably from London, but how does it feel to have that support?

MADDIE SZERYK: Yeah, really nice. I love that it's close enough that all my family can come. It's really cool because they don't get to come to that many events, so it's great at that they're here and I just feel the support and the love all the way through.

Q. Plans or strategy change?

MADDIE SZERYK: No, I don't think so. I'm going to go roll a couple putts. Didn't putt as well as I would've liked today. Missed a couple short ones.

I think it's the same for tomorrow.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
124121-1-1041 2022-08-27 00:39:00 GMT

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