Canadian Pacific Women's Open

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The Ottawa Hunt and Golf Club

Nelly Korda

Quick Quotes

Q. Solid day out there; another solid day. I know you said to Karen you were all over the place.


Q. Didn't look like it.

NELLY KORDA: I guess I missed on the right sides. The greens are a little bigger, so I was not hitting it great. I mean, compared to the first two days I was pretty disappointed with the way I was hitting my irons. A little too much shape on them.

I was 2-over after like five holes. Fortunately got it back, but, yeah, I'm going to go to the range after and try to figure it out.

Q. Do you think that maybe part of the day when you were a little bit off was because you played in a two-ball the last two days and today you're back to threesomes and the pace was a little different?

NELLY KORDA: Possibly, yes. But I also had a really stiff neck. I had Chris, our LPGA physio, come caught work on me for a little bit on one the holes, and then I stuffed it to like one foot and I was like, okay, he good a good job.

So, yeah, I mean, a bit of both. Definitely the rhythm aspect of it, I was thrown off by it, but we were still waiting so much as a two-ball playing behind a three-ball.

Q. Given everything that's happened this year and the recovery, back to 100% obviously, what would it mean to win this tournament tomorrow?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, we always say this is like our sixth major. The crowds are amazing. I feel like so many proud Canadians come out and support us. It's a big event. It would be nice to be on that champion's list.

Still 18 more holes to go and a lot of golf out there. You don't know what's going to happen. And it's a pretty stacked leaderboard. If the wind and the weather is good you can shoot a really low score out there, so anything can happen. Hopefully I can bring my A game tomorrow.

Q. You touched on your sore neck and you did some treatment there. That seemed to be a bit of a turnaround. How much of a distraction or how uncomfortable were you out there?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, I was pretty uncomfortable. I still can't really look up, but, yeah, I mean, when you're in pain -- I mean, athletes, we're always kind of dealing with something.

But a stiff neck is never something I like to deal with.

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