Canadian Pacific Women's Open

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The Ottawa Hunt and Golf Club

Narin An

Quick Quotes

Q: How do you feel you played today?

NARIN AN: In general, I didn’t like my play today as much as I did yesterday and two days ago. But I think not making any big mistakes is a positive to take away.

Q: Why didn't you like your play as much today? What was different?

NARIN AN: What was different today was my shots were a bit shaky and some of the putts didn’t go in.

Q: You hit the rocks on No. 13 and the ball bounced safe. What were your thoughts on that hole?

NARIN AN: I thought I got lucky today.

Q: Are you friends with Hye-Jin? You were teammates at the team event last month.

NARIN AN: I’ve known her since the KLPGA days and we didn’t talk that much with play going on, but it was fun being with her.

Q: What will it mean to get your first LPGA Tour win? I know you've already won on the KLPGA Tour.

NARIN AN: Wherever it is, the first win is always emotional. That was the case in Korea for me, and I’m sure it’ll be the same here at LPGA too.

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