Canadian Pacific Women's Open

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The Ottawa Hunt and Golf Club

Hye-Jin Choi

Quick Quotes

Q: How do you feel you played today?

HYE-JIN CHOI: The beginning of the third round today was shaky, starting with a bogey. But after that the players in my group were all playing well, so I was able to follow their rhythm and play well too.

Q: What was different from yesterday to today?

HYE-JIN CHOI: Yesterday, I got to the green in two on two par 5s, and felt comfortable getting low scores. Early on today though, it was a bit shaky with the shot not feeling well, but in the latter half of the round, the same feeling when I was hitting well came back. Shots felt comfortable and I putted with more confidence and that led to a good result.

Q: You already had success here in Canada, winning the World Junior Girls. Do you feel that gives you more good luck for tomorrow?

HYE-JIN CHOI: I have good memories here and after that (winning the Junior), I won the Canadian Amateur Championship, so I have a lot of good memories in Canada. Right now, it’s hard to think about winning, but I hope it’ll be a good experience.

Q: How well do you know Narin? You played together in the team event last month.

HYE-JIN CHOI: It was only about a month ago that we played on the same team and played well. Obviously, we’re both focusing on our individual play when we played together today, but I hope we both play well tomorrow and put up a good score.

Q: Are you good friends?

HYE-JIN CHOI: I played five years at the KLPGA, so it’s been about five years I’ve known her. Truthfully, we weren’t that close in Korea, but we definitely got closer here in the US, playing rounds and spending time together.

Q: Did you talk at all during the round?

HYE-JIN CHOI: We didn’t talk much because we were focused on our plays, but we shared some small talks while we were walking.

Q: You've almost won several times on the LPGA Tour, both as an amateur and a professional. How special would it be to win tomorrow?

HYE-JIN CHOI: I’ve had a lot of opportunities to win earlier this year, but felt short. With another opportunity knocking, I want to have no regrets and will do my best with the final round tomorrow.

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