Canadian Pacific Women's Open

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The Ottawa Hunt and Golf Club

Paula Reto

Golf Channel

Q. Paula, congratulations. Your ninth season on the LPGA Tour, 157th start. You are a winner on the LPGA Tour. Describe the emotions you're feeling right now.

PAULA RETO: Well, I was so nervous. Oh, my gosh, coming to the last hole I was like, calm your nerves. I kind of needed a 3-wood, and that rough shot over there kind of saved me. I was just committing and trying to keep it real simple.

I'm really so excited. I know I'm going to celebrate and everything will kick in, but I'm really happy and it's been such a long time. I was like, I hope one day I'll win. But it came true, so...

Q. You were a winner on the LPGA Tour. Congratulations.

PAULA RETO: Thank you so much.

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