Canadian Pacific Women's Open

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The Ottawa Hunt and Golf Club

Lydia Ko

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Lydia Ko after the final round of the CP Women's Open. You really made the most of today. Lots of birdies and all in a row. What was really working so well for you today?

LYDIA KO: Yeah, I played the par-3s really well. Birdied all of them, and there are five out here, so to make five twos was definitely helpful for the scorecard.

Bogeyed the first, but I think I tried to not let that rattle me and know there is a lot of opportunities. So just enjoyed it, and obviously nice being back in Canada after not being here for a couple years. Yeah, it's been a fun week.

Q. That back nine especially, what did you see out there that really made the birdie opportunities obvious, I guess?

LYDIA KO: I hit it close on 10 and then on 11 and 12 I had birdie opportunities that I missed, and then I holed a really good birdie on 13.

Then those holes coming in I chipped in, hit it close, and then obviously hit two good shots to be on the green for two on the last.

Yeah, overall I think it was a lot of things were clicking. When I was out of position I was able to get a good drop or get lucky and still manage to have a birdie putt. Yeah, it was that kind of back nine.

Q. Last question: One of the top players in the world, in the field, too. Tell me, what's the secret to staying consistent and playing well every week look do you?

LYDIA KO: I mean, consistency is probably the biggest thing that you're trying to go for, and I think I've been able to do a better job of that these last few weeks.

Try and take the positives and making sure that those things are going well, and the things that aren't going as good, like putting my time into that.

Yeah, just enjoying it and having fun. I feel like golf is a very like momentum game, so try and feed of the good momentum.

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124160-1-1041 2022-08-28 19:56:00 GMT

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