CPKC Women's Open

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Shaughnessy Golf & Country Club

Paula Reto

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: All right, welcome back inside the media center here at that time CPKC Women's Open. I am pleased to be joined by defending champion Paula Reto.

Paula, coming back to an event like this, life-changing event for you what has this past year been like when you reflect on your victory here at the CPKC Women's Open?

PAULA RETO: Yeah, you know, only good stuff. It was such a dream for me to win. Every tournament I go into I'm thinking about that moment, all the good stuff that happened and everything that worked out.

We strive for that and I still strive for that every day. But just knowing I can do it and able to do it here in Canada was amazing.

And then I know it's probably the hardest thing to defend your title, but I'm enjoying everybody here, the atmosphere, and just that stuff makes me a little bit more calmer, a little bit more easy and having to play.

But such great vibes, and I'm so lucky to have won and I really want to do it again.

Q. When you think back on that week, what are some of the memorable moments that stand out when you think about your win?

PAULA RETO: Just how everything worked out. We had some of the best fans, volunteers, everything was so perfect. And I played good golf. My putting was good. Everything was on. Almost everything worked out.

So just really everything. I love going to Canada and haven't been back since the whole COVID thing, and how everybody enjoys golf over there, you know, so everything was good about it.

Yeah, good mindset. Trying to do that for this week as well.

Q. How much was it kind of a life-changing win for you when you think about that week and just in general? When you think back to the Paula Reto a year ago to Paula Reto now, what has really changed for you?

PAULA RETO: You know, just a little bit more comfortable out here. Sometimes it's funny, we just always want to tend to go to results and it being like another result, and you win and it sort of changes your outlook on certain things and how you approach every tournament.

But sometimes that is what it takes and you're able to believe more in yourself, and you know, just a little bit more of a chip on your shoulder I would say. Having to win out here is hard, so being able to pull it off was great.

Then again, trying to get your second win might be a tad harder from there on out. Some girls do it a lot easier than others. Just being able to do it is -- I can always say I have that.

Q. When you hear your name next to LPGA Tour winner, how much does that just increase not only as you talk about your confidence, but all the work you put in to be able to call yourself a winner on tour?

PAULA RETO: Yeah, it's amazing. And people remember it, too. People out here are saying defending champion and stuff. It's great. It's a title that I'll always have and always look back, and it just gives me more positive confidence if I do think about it.

So definitely it's a good title to have.

Q. I'm just curious, how does it feel to defend your title but at a totally different golf course?

PAULA RETO: Yeah, that is a little bit different, right? I know it's a national championship and the golf courses change. Like I really like this golf course, so that's great. A little similar than the one we played last year.

But you know what? It's great and I'm going to keep trying to do the best I can day-to-day, not think about it too much. I know to feel like it's a lot of the pressure having to defend, but like I'm just going to enjoy the little things and different views.

We have a little bit more of the Pacific side, and take those things in and hopefully I can do a good job.

Q. How would you kind of assess your season to this point? Couple Top 10s but a couple missed cuts in there as well. How would you say things have gone over the last ten months or so?

PAULA RETO: You know, definitely trending in the right direction, which I'm happy about. Sort of not the start that I wanted. Few things here and there that I got off, but I feel like the last few weeks I had a lot better ball striking, so usually ball striking is more my confidence thing.

Putting has always been my strength, so if I can just get the ball striking better. But definitely I have seen progress the last three weeks, so definitely a lot of progress heading into this week.

Q. Just a quick fact check. Do you still work with Gareth Raflewski?

PAULA RETO: Not anymore. Yeah, so just Peter Cross, is swing coach now, yeah.

Q. Welcome back.

PAULA RETO: Thank you.

Q. I'm curious, when it comes to defending a national championship, what does that look like in terms of prep? As you were just saying, this is a different golf course than last season, but same country, same tournament. Is there any difference at all in terms of prep?

PAULA RETO: Yeah, so my goal this week is to obviously get to know the course as best I can. We've obviously played Ottawa Hunt Club before so I've known the golf course, but this week kind of doing the same thing.

A lot more distraction having to do this and this and this, but it's great. So I'm just going to keep doing like the little things I know will help me.

Greens are a little bit smaller this week, so having to dial in the irons. If I can do my good prep and then just start on Thursday with a fresh mind and go play golf, I think I'll be great.

Q. The CPKC Women's Open has some of the larger attendance. Does it make a difference from your perspective as a golfer to have more fans, as you mentioned a little more attention as defending champion?

PAULA RETO: Yeah, just the support out here from everybody that loves golf and comes to watch us and support the LPGA is great. That just makes us want to do even better.

And just all the kids that come out and everybody having to sign autographs. We're here to show the world and the kids how it's done and they enjoy it.

For us, that's all we can wish for.

Q. I know you were here in Vancouver for the media day and got a little bit of a sneak peek a this golf course.


Q. What are some of your impressions and how do you think it'll suit your game this week?

PAULA RETO: Yeah, so I think it's definitely on the tougher side of the golf courses, so the rough is pretty thick, small greens. Greens are pretty hard.

If I can just make sure to -- I have all the, you know, sort of practice in that I need, especially around the greens and just predicting what the ball would do on the green once we are in the fairway is key since they are very unpredictable with the bounces.

Yeah, definitely a harder golf course. Having to clean up on a few things is key.

Q. What are some of those things having to clean up in your mind?

PAULA RETO: So it's crazy, because sometimes I like to -- if the shot is 150 I want to hit the 150, so having to back down, hey, maybe you need to hit the 143 shot and sometimes I want to play a little more aggressive, which I need to watch out for because if I end up being too aggressive I will go over the green.

So more of the mindset I would say. Controlling the mindset and thinking of more like the number I need to hit and not thinking of always wanting to pin hunt. That kind of thing is important for me. I would say that's more of my clean up.

Q. There is definitely a signature hole or two out here, including No. 17, which is The Rink. I don't know if you've seen it in all of its glory yet, but we've had a couple years here at the CPKC Women's Open. I don't know how much of a hockey fan you are, but when you get to a hole like that that really immerses the crowd and fans, what's that like for you?

PAULA RETO: Yeah, that's great. I enjoyed it last year when it was on hole 17, and this is a nice little short shot as well: 8-iron but tough green. Need to be on a precise -- you know, land it short and let it roll up.

And that's great for the fans and everybody out here having to bang on the walls over there. So it's great. Get a little loud hole going.

Q. And just one more from me. Being in Vancouver, it's been a while since we've been back here. What are you most excited for maybe off the course? Have you looked into taking some time for yourself?

PAULA RETO: Yeah, so I love exploring different coffee shops. Usually wherever we go there is usually one or two 20, 30 minute drive to get to them. I Google in Vancouver and there is like 100. I'm like, okay, this is too much.

So I'm going to try one different shop every day. I've already done two, so it's good.

THE MODERATOR: All right, a bit of a plan. I think that'll do it here for us, Paula. Thanks so much for coming in.


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