CPKC Women's Open

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Shaughnessy Golf & Country Club

Gabriela Ruffels

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: All right, welcome back inside the media center here at the CPKC Women's Open. I am pleased to be joined by sponsor invite Gabriela Ruffels. Gabbi, welcome to your first, I believe, CPKC Women's Open, and also to Vancouver. What's it is like being a sponsor's invite this week at the CPKC Women's Open?

GABRIELA RUFFELS: Yeah, it's great. I was super excited to get the invite. I know this is one of the bigger events on the LPGA schedule, so I was super excited when I found out that I was going to come here.

I was here a couple months ago for my U.S. Women's Open qualifier actually, which I got through, I qualified, so I have good memories from Vancouver and it's nice to be back.

Q. What do you like most about this side of Canada, of Vancouver in general? Thinking of U.S. Open qualifier but just in general coming back in this edge of Canada.

GABRIELA RUFFELS: Yeah, it's so pretty here. I have a host family that I stayed with last time. They live in West Vancouver, and I think it's probably one of the nicest places I think I've ever been. Just the mix of city and the forest and the views out here are just amazing.

Yeah, really enjoying being back.

Q. For you, I know it's been a fun couple of weeks on the Epson Tour. You most recently clinched your card for 2024. Coming off your latest win, being able to clinch that status, what has the last couple of weeks been like for you?

GABRIELA RUFFELS: Last week was very nice. I spent it at home in Palm Springs. And just knowing I have that security of LPGA membership next year, it was such a cool feeling. It's something that I worked for every since I turned pro in 2021, and to finally have it and sealing the deal with a win really felt really good.

Q. You've really taken in stride this past season, really cementing yourself on the Epson Tour, preparing yourself. What has the season been like as you prepare for not only next year, but the CPKC Women's Open?

GABRIELA RUFFELS: Yeah, it's been great. I think that the Epson Tour doesn't get enough recognition for how good it is. The level of players out there, they're great. And from all over the world. It's really high competition and you have to play well to win.

I think that's really -- I feel like I really improved in that environment, in that competitive environment, and having those experiences of learning how to win as well, which I wasn't really exposed to I guess my first couple years as a pro has really benefited me, and hopefully can -- I know will help me next year.

Q. Congrats on a fabulous season on the Epson Tour. Why three wins? What's been going well for you?

GABRIELA RUFFELS: I think that there is no like real key I guess. A lot of people have been asking me, what have you done? I think it's just a culmination of past couple years and working super hard and having that confidence of good results. I feel like I've just carried that momentum with me this whole year.

I haven't really changed much or done much different. I guess it's just kind of all my hard work coming to fruition I guess, and then a bit of confidence and kind of rolling with momentum.

Q. How much of the golf course, Shaughnessy, have you seen this week?

GABRIELA RUFFELS: I played 18 holes on Monday and then the front nine yesterday.

Q. What do you think?

GABRIELA RUFFELS: It's a great course. I feel like it's a typical Northwestern golf course: Greens are small, tree lined, in great condition. Greens are going to be pretty fast I would say, and I think it's going to be a challenge for sure.

Q. You mentioned you did the U.S. Open qualifier not far from here at Vancouver Golf Club. Do you see similarities between that course and this one? How would you compare them? Do you think this is the more difficult setup than you face at the U.S. Open qualifier?

GABRIELA RUFFELS: Yeah, definitely see a lot of similarities. Vancouver Club probably has more elevation changes than out here. That's probably the biggest difference.

It's your typical Northwestern golf course, like what I said: Tree lined; a few holes that are wider, a few more narrow. Probably a bit more narrow out here.

Got to pick your targets and hit greens. I feel like even the green complexes out here are quite undulating and tough. I don't think scores will be that low. It will be a challenge for sure.

Q. Just kind of going off this being your first CPKC Women's Open and now having the pressures off of securing that Tour card for next year, any expectations coming into an event like this knowing it is a stacked field, amongst yourself?

GABRIELA RUFFELS: I'm not one to set goals I guess. I kind of just know what I can control and just kind of try and do that each week.

But it is a really, really strong field and it's almost has kind of a major feel out here. Yeah, I mean, Golf Canada and Canada in general has really got around this event. It's great to see that.

The hospitality this week has been amazing. I can I can see they have the best players out here this week. It's already been a great tournament and it's only Wednesday.

So, no, I'm excited to see how my game stacks up against the best in the word.

Q. I got to ask, are you a hockey fan, and what are your thoughts on the 17th hole?

GABRIELA RUFFELS: You know what? I'm sorry, you lost me there. I wish I was. I might get a little more into it after visiting Canada a couple times.

Ni, it was really cool, the 17th. I've heard they get super loud only the 17th hole and kind of seeing how it's set up like a skating rink or something is pretty cool. It's a nice addition to the hole. I'm excited to play it.

Q. What's really interesting is the host family situation in West Vancouver. How did you come across that family? How have you come across staying with them as you visit this side of Canada?

GABRIELA RUFFELS: Yeah, I'll give them a little shoutout. It's a family that we knew from Palm Springs. They live there and my parents live there and are members of the same course. I played golf with them a lot, and coming to Vancouver I thought it would be great to stay with them.

They have a beautiful home in West Vancouver. Beautiful spot. Enjoyed it so much last time that I wanted to stay there again.

Q. How much more comfortable does that make you as a player, being able to stay with people that you know? You've traveled all around the states, all around the world basically to play golf. When you're able to come to a place that you have some level of comfortability, what does that do for your confidence as a player?

GABRIELA RUFFELS: For sure, and I feel like this family especially is kind of like a second family to me. It's so nice to be able to come home to something. So many weeks on the road you go to a hotel and it can get lonely.

Going back to a nice host family, you just have that company. You know, just talk about things other than golf and it takes your mind away.

I really, really enjoy that aspect.

Q. Will there be any celebrations with this host family as you celebrate the last week since you've become a member? Have there been any celebrations as you secured your 2024 card?

GABRIELA RUFFELS: Not yet with this host family, but maybe soon. I don't know. But last night a couple of Australian girls got together with my trainer as well from Golf Australia and give me a little cake that said, welcome to the LPGA. So that was nice of them. It was nice to see that home country support.

Yeah, I guess that's been kind of the bigger I guess celebration.

Q. How many people have reached out since the news of you clinching? What were some of the most favorite messages you received since then?

GABRIELA RUFFELS: Yeah, I mean, a lot of people have reached out. They know how big of a deal or goal this was for me. Who as reached out?

I don't know.

Q. We saw Karrie.

GABRIELA RUFFELS: Yeah, Karrie Webb. That was pretty cool. She's been a huge support to me and all the other Australian female golfers. Yeah, I guess that was probably the coolest.

Q. To have that country support out here, even coming to an event as a sponsor's invite, what is that like to have dinner with the girls, with Hannah, Minjee, with all of them that have shown the light of Australian golf over the last couple years?

GABRIELA RUFFELS: Yeah, it was great. I feel like I need to rely on them a bit more, ask them a few more questions, pick their brain, especially nongolf stuff with travel. I was having a few rental car issues this week. They gave me a few hints.

Definitely need to pick their brain a bit more about life on the road. It's great to have that support, and they're some of the nicest girls out here. Yeah, it's awesome to have a group of girls you know you can go to.

Q. We have this course ahead of us this week. You talked about what you think of this golf course, how it compares to the qualifier that you played a little bit ago. What do you do from the moment this interview ends until you tee off tomorrow? Is it going back, working on a couple things, or are you just going to let the golf speak for itself?

GABRIELA RUFFELS: Yeah, I'm going to do a little bit. I have a pro-am at 12:30 today. I'll just play nine holes, see the course again, see the back nine, and then I'll just touch up on a few things.

I will just go to the range after, do bit of chipping and a little bit of putting, and good to go. I have an early one tomorrow so I have an early nice.

THE MODERATOR: Thank you, Gabbi, for coming through.


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