CPKC Women's Open

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Shaughnessy Golf & Country Club

Brooke Rivers

Quick Quotes

Q. Brooke, I know these guys are itching to talk to you, but I will start it out for you here. Just the first 18 holes you're through under par. How are you feeling walking off the course today?

BROOKE RIVERS: I'm feeling good. Stuck to the plan and hit some good shots out there.

Q. Take me through some of the most memorable moments. We saw you get as high as I believe 4-under. What was rolling so well for you?

BROOKE RIVERS: I was hitting my target line which was the most important thing. Was assessing my lies and picking the correct shots and executing it the way I wanted to.

Q. How exciting has this week been for you already?

BROOKE RIVERS: It's been very exciting. It's my first pro event so going into the week I was super excited, and I just want to make the weekend.

Q. Tell us about the eagle.

BROOKE RIVERS: In the practice round I wasn't close enough to go for the green, and today I was full send going for the green and ended up in a good place. Short-sided myself, but hit a perfect chip and went in.

Q. Brooke, how does it feel, like what are the differences in terms of playing on the LPGA for your first round? Like how does it compare to the NCAA?

BROOKE RIVERS: I'm missing my first week of college to be here. Worth it, but it's just about golf. It's not about the tournament or who is in it. I'm here to play golf and hit the shots that I want to hit.

Q. What's the support like from the fans? I know you have some family here.

BROOKE RIVERS: It's really nice. A lot of people came out to support as well. Being in my home country there is a lot of fans out here, and it's nice to see the little kids out.

Q. How do you like the atmosphere on 17 with The Rink?

BROOKE RIVERS: It's a really cool spot to have everyone watching and cheering and banging on the boards when you hit a good shot. It's a really nice feeling.

Q. Brooke, the golf course obviously a championship test. What did you make of Shaughnessy today?

BROOKE RIVERS: Shaughnessy is a tough golf course. It's really important to hit the shots and not miss it by much. So hitting the fairways and greens and sticking to your plan is very important.

Q. There are ten amateur Canadians in the field this week. As you know, Golf Canada is really trying to develop the next generation of Canadian talent. How does it feel to be a part of that?

BROOKE RIVERS: Golf Canada is doing a very good job with their program, and it's really nice to be part of it. I think this is my fifth year on the team, so really nice to be out here representing Golf Canada.

Q. I want to know a little bit more about missing your first week of school to come play on the LPGA here. I know you'll be starting Wake Forest soon. What was that communication like with Coach Kim, saying, hey, I want to do this?

BROOKE RIVERS: I knew beforehand that there was a very good chance I was going to get here so I told them before. But I was not going to miss this opportunity, so I'm happy to be here.

Q. What's the prep been like to prepare for your first pro event and were there any nerves on the first tee today?

BROOKE RIVERS: I think it's very similar to any other tournament. I mean, I'm just trying to do the best that I can, and this is to me like any other tournament.

So staying in the moment. Not too many nerves. I'm just here to play golf.

Q. Was there anyone that you have met through the last couple days that either -- I don't mean to say star struck -- but just someone gave you a piece of advice or anything like that?

BROOKE RIVERS: Well, I remember being here when I was really young back when it was called ManuLife. My dad is from New Zealand, so Lydia Ko was always like one of my favorites, so I met her back then, so seeing her on the range this morning. As well as Mel Reid. I've always looked up to her, so it was really fun to play with her today.

Q. You mentioned just like any other week for you on the golf course but like I saw you giving out autographs.

BROOKE RIVERS: Yeah, a little bit different. It's fun just to kind of inspire the younger generation.

Q. How do you prep for tomorrow?

BROOKE RIVERS: I think I'm going to go to the range, just focus on carry yardages and pick target lines and try to hit my target line.

Q. More specifically, who's here with you this week?

BROOKE RIVERS: I've got my mom, my brother, and I've also got my uncle that flew in as well.

Q. They'll be here the rest of the week or...

BROOKE RIVERS: I hope so. (Laughter.)

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