CPKC Women's Open

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Shaughnessy Golf & Country Club

Jin Young Ko


Q. I get to talk to one of my favorite players, Jin Young Ko. Tell me about your round. Started off four birdies right off the bat and then a stretch with a lot of pars. Tell me what you start thinking about when you make some pars and make a bogey. How do you react to that?

JIN YOUNG KO: I mean, it's been a while to playing really good, like I like the last few events. I like coming to Canada and I really love to play in Canada. I really wanted to play well for this week. Lots of Koreans out there, so I really want to show great performance for them.

So, yeah, it was great motivation for me, so, yeah.

Q. So we're starting to lean towards the end of the year. Race to the CME Globe is coming. You're going towards that. Starting to think about that. But there are good feelings here in Canada. Going to have to ask you, because I think we share this, what are your favorite Timbits?

JIN YOUNG KO: Yeah, I mean, I've been to the Tim Horton a lot last three days and I had a lot of ice cap. I really happy to back Canada because Tim Horton, I need sponsor by Tim Horton maybe.

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